It really was funny, the awesome power a pair of naked breasts could hold over a man. Even a man as deliciously gorgeous as this one.

“In the third movie Rocky loses badly,” I went on. “Mick dies. The whole thing’s depressing.”

“Apollo dies in the fourth movie,” he pointed out. “That’s not depressing?”

“Sure, but Apollo’s death is heroic,” I countered. “And Rocky doesn’t lose in that movie, he gets vengeance and redemption. He trains by slogging through waist-deep snow and running up mountains in fuckingRussia.Then he destroys Ivan Drago, played by Dolph Lundgren. The second greatest movie villain of the 1980’s.”

Evan blinked a few times in what appeared to be shock. I don’t think he was prepared for my level of Rocky-readiness.

“Okay, so who’s the first greates—”

“You even have toask?”I cut him off with a laugh. “William Zabka. Hands down.”

Evan’s confusion turned back into a smile. In the meantime, I let my eyes wander happily down those ripped, tattooed arms. It was nice, not having to pretend I didn’t notice them. And it was even nicer remembering them on either side of me, with Evan buried between my legs, pumping away.

“Johnny,” he nodded approvingly. “Karate Kid.”

“And Back to School,” I added. “And Just One of the Guys. He was the villain in a lot of movies. And of course, Hot Tub Time Machine.”

“That one wasn’t from the eighties,” Evan pointed out.

“Still, it was about the eighties,” I countered. “And technically his partdidtake place in the eighties. If you consider the time-travel.”

I shimmied out of my sweatpants, very aware of Evan’s eyes on my every move. I took my time pulling my pants on, even swinging my thong-covered ass his way. It was fun giving him what he wanted, and I didn’t have to hold back anymore. Pandora’s box, and all that.

“What did you come up here for anyway?” I finally asked.

“I ummm… I wanted to say something.”

“Was it a good something?” I teased. “Or a bad something?”

Evan scratched at his sexy stubble, his chunky silver rings clacking together. I rolled my eyes at his hesitation.

“Did you come up here to tell me I shouldn’t go to work?” I theorized. “That I should stay here and hide out? Because if the three of you are expecting me to lay low for a while, that’s—”

“No,” he cut me off, “not even close.” He stepped into me, taking my hand in his. “In fact, just the opposite.”

His piercing blue-green eyes scanned my face, lingering sympathetically on my cuts and bruises. My own thoughts, on the other hand, drifted in quite opposite directions.

My God, he’s flawless.

Even this close up, Evan’s bronze, Italian skin was smoother than glass. The powerful, musky scent of him was driving me crazy. All I could think about was having him inside me.

“I wanted to tell you that we’re going on the offensive,” he said firmly. “Ferrera thinks he can hunt us? It’s time he finds out what it’s like to be hunted. In fact, that ball’s already rolling.”

I thought back for a moment. “Does this have to do with the meeting you and Joshua had?”

He nodded solemnly. “Ferrera’s strength has always been in numbers. But he forgets that we’re mercenaries. We have numbers too.”

I swallowed, staring up at his hulking, intimidating form. His jawline tightened. His eyes flared dangerously.

At the same time though, they were soft and searching against mine.

“We’re going to find the men who ordered this…” Evan growled, raising one arm. The back of one tattooed hand grazed ever-so-lightly against my bruised cheek. “And we’re going to destroy them. Utterly and completely. When we’re finished, there’s going to be nothing left of these people. We’re going to erase them from the fucking planet.”

A chill rippled through me at his last statement. I’d seen the gentler side of these men, the side that could be caring and generous and protective. But in all my time with them, I’d almost forgotten these men were soldiers. They were SEALs, Green Berets, Special Forces. They were unbreakable and resourceful. Resilient, and harder than steel.

And just like steel, they’d been through fire.