I lost count of the number of times they’d cradle me in one man’s lap, gently caressing my face while another grinded away between my legs. Each time I reached between their legs, they pushed me away. Whenever I tried taking someone else in my mouth they’d press their lips against mine instead, kissing me so slowly, so sensually, I became lost in the simpler pleasures of our long, leisurely fuck.

Evan went first this time, really digging me out. He drove me crazy with his long, thick shaft until I was exploding all over it in a series of moans and whimpers. Cole took his place, before I could even come down again. I could sense him wanting to go hard and fast, to give it to me rough again. Somehow though he maintained control, drilling me with a deep, steady rhythm that had me clawing his back and breathing his name.

Maybe they knew I was sore, I theorized. After the events of the night before maybe they were taking it easy on me, enjoying how incredibly tight my swollen entrance felt wrapped around them.

But then there was all the kissing, so soulful and perfect. The candlelight reflected in their lust-crazed eyes held more than just a sexually-charged excitement; there was the promise of other things too. They were things that were deep, things that were meaningful. Sentiments that connected us on much different levels than just the physical, because by the time they’d each had a turn, I felt spiritually connected to all three.

Joshua took me last, sinking inside me with a slow, beautiful reverence. I caressed his hard arms on either side of me; his lips brushing softly against my lips, his eyelashes fluttering against mine.


His long, sinewed body fit so perfectly against me it was like we’d been made from complementing molds. Created for the sole purpose of this kind of connection, at this exact moment in time.

We came together, he and I, twisting and writhing our bodies to derive every last ounce of mutual pleasure. Joshua kissed me deeply as my insides contracted around his pulsing shaft, milking him for every last drop he had to give me.

When it was all over, I noticed Cole and Evan had already left. They’d left the two of us alone in the bedroom, to pull the sheets and blankets over our naked bodies and spoon ourselves to sleep to the soothing patter of the rain.

And that’s exactly what we did.

Blissful hours passed, and I woke several times to the comforting feel of Joshua’s arm locked tightly around me. I loved throwing my legs over his, and squeezing them tight. He felt absolutely amazing pressing up against me from behind.

But then, sometime in the darkest part of the night… I rolled over to find him gone.


I didn’t expect an answer, really. Still half-awake, I figured groggily that he’d gone back to his own bed. But then I saw him sitting there, in one of the chairs on the other side of the room. He appeared lost in thought, almost entranced.

“Hey…” I called out, a little more clearly this time. “Are you alright?”

He’d put his boxers on, his T-shirt too. Staring off into the nothingness of a rain-soaked window, he was playing absently with the little pentagon of leather strung around his neck.

“I’m fine,” he said finally. His eyes went clearer as he turned back to me. “Sorry, Quinn. I didn’t mean to wake you. I was just—”

“No worries,” I smiled, throwing the blankets back. “Just… come to bed.”

Eventually he got up and sat back down on the bed. He even managed a smile, but his eyes… well, his eyes told a much different story.

“Joshua, what’s wrong?”

Once again he shook his head dismissively. Once again he tried convincing me everything was alright. This time though, his explanation was only half-hearted.

“Another nightmare?” I asked him cautiously.

He closed his eyes for a long, somber moment, then opened them slowly. Eventually he nodded.

“Forget them,” I smiled. “Nightmares are just bullshit the brain makes up to—”

“This one isn’t,” he cut me off, without even thinking.

His handsome face looked uncharacteristically somber now. And it was wracked with something that looked like…


My heart ached, but it felt wiser to remain silent. Instead of saying anything else, I slid closer to him on the bed and hugged him from behind.

Oh my God…

Joshua’s body felt stiff and unyielding beneath my touch. I held him tightly for several minutes in absolute silence with my cheek resting against his broad back. I wasn’t sure he’d say anything, really. He didn’t have to. But the connection between us was much more than physical now. I could sense it. And I knew in my heart that he could sense it, too.