“And now… and now…”

My head spun dizzily. My mind was racing a thousand miles a minute.

“Now they’re going to use you to find us,” said Cole gravely. “Orworse.”

“Which is why you need to stay with us,” said Evan, as matter-of-factly as possible. “We want you here, where we can keep you and the baby safe. At least until we get things straightened out.”

The men glanced nervously at each other, then back at me. The silence was so complete, you could hear a pin drop.

“There’s plenty of room,” Joshua added hastily. “You’ll have your own space, your own everything, really. Plus you can—”


Their combined shock was actually comical. I stifled a grin.

“What?” asked Joshua. “Really?”

“Yes, really,” I answered. “Of course I’ll stay. I’m in obvious danger, aren’t I?”

“Without question,” Cole said immediately.

“Then yes, I accept your offer. At least until things get straightened out.”

Settling back, I drained the rest of my tea. My decision wasn’t a decision at all, really. But they hadn’t been so sure. Even now, I could see the relief in their eyes.

“My commute into the city is going to be a pain in the ass of course, but—”

“No, no commute.”

I frowned, but Cole was already frowning back at me, and he was better at it.

“You’re stayinghere, remember?”

I laughed out loud. “You think I’m going to hide my pregnant little ass in this fortress of yours, and not go to work? Just sit here and binge Netflix until the baby’s ready, or whenever you cut me loose?”

For the first time since our dates I could feel a chemistry again, rising unbidden between us. Those long sexy arms of Evan’s, flexing and unflexing. Joshua’s gorgeous mouth, twisted with concern. Even Cole exuded a beast-like sexuality that radiated from him like some primal, irresistible charisma. Living with them was going to be bad. Or good. Or bad, depending upon—

“Look, it’s not that we want you to give up—”

“I havethreejobs,” I cut him off. “I go to school. I teach classes. Not to mention I have… other things I’m working on. And they’re not going to waitmonthsfor you guys to ‘straighten’ things out.”

Cole grumbled. Even angry, his face was fiercely handsome. “None of that matters if you—”

“Sheworks,”said Evan, loudly and clearly. “She goes to school. She does anything and everything she wants to do. Then she comes here, when it gets dark, so we can protect her. That’s non-negotiable.”

My tattooed hero smiled at me for a moment, then winked.

“But what about—”

“We’ll work out all the details later,” Evan went on. “Just not tonight. It’s late. She’s tired. Plus, we still have to get her stuff.”

He pulled his phone, punched up a digital notepad, then leaned forward to hand it to me.

“Here. Make a full list of everything you need from your apartment.”

I blinked. “We’re goingnow?”

“Why not?” Evan shrugged. “Onlywe’rethe ones going. You’re staying right—”