My orgasm was all-encompassing, all-consuming, and yet I could still hear their whispers. Their words made me even hotter and wetter for them; more eager to spread my legs and give them anything they wanted. And if that included a whole tribe of sons and daughters even half as beautiful as they were, even better.

“I’ll do anything for you,” I murmured, clutching them against my chest.



It was true, too. I knew it all too well. When it came to finding a good man to spend the rest of my life with I’d stumbled upon the jackpot three times over. And if that was greedy, so be it.

“Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it,” I heard Joshua’s voice say. His lips were wet as they pressed against my ear. It made me giddy and hot, all over again.

“But until then…”

I was shifted again, re-positioned. Taken and twisted and spread wide open, until another hot mouth was closing over my sex.


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NeedmoreReverse Harem?

Thanks for checking outBaby for the Mercenaries.Here’s hoping it blew your doors off!

And for evenmoresweltering reverse harem heat? Check out:Sharing Second Chances. Below you’ll find a preview of the sexy, sizzling cover, plus the first several chapters so you can see for yourself:

Chapter One


My keys flew through the air, higher than expected. They missed the kitchen counter completely, skidding off my little butcher block and right into the sink.


The sink was full of water, of course. Why wouldn’t it be? The drain was slower than molasses in winter. Three hours after doing dishes there was still an inch or two that hadn’t gone down.

Three hours… has it only been that long?

The clock said so, anyway. The date I was returning from felt like it had taken three years off of my life. Derrik (with an ‘ik’) had taken me to a mediocre restaurant where he’d plied me with less-than-average wine. For the next few hours I listened to him talk about everything from his mother’s podiatrist to the HO scale model train setup that ran through the entirety of his mother’s house. Oh, and did I mention he lived with his mother? It wasn’t in his online profile, but of course he did.

Fishing my keys from the sink, I wondered if the key fob would ever work again. I put it in rice anyway. Rice fixes all things, apparently.

Maybe it could fix your broken sex life?

I shed my clothes as I walked, spun the hot water spigot, then stepped naked into the shower. I’d showered before my date of course, but not every date spits wine all over you when he accidentally orders Merlot instead of Cabernet. Yes, actually forcefullyspits— the kind of thing a toddler might do. Or a little boy who still played with trains.