Joshua grunted, turning his attention back to his drink. But Evan met my gaze and refused to look away. For an uneasy moment, my concentration broke. Those gorgeous blue-green eyes I’d lost myself in were like a siren’s call.

“Andthisguy…” I nodded toward the black-bearded monster. “At what point did you tell him to follow me?”

All three men remained silent. No one answered.

“Was rescuing me from someone who’s apparently your friend part of the whole ‘getting me to go out with you’ thing?” I sneered. “Or was it—”


Joshua spat the word confidently, almost defiantly. But his one-word answer made me even more angry.

“Then why take me out at all?” I demanded. “The two of you took me on what wereobviouslydates. There was romance and flirting. There was build-up. There was a ton of chemistry—”

In the middle of my sentence the men glared at each other. Or more accurately, the bearded giant shot his two friends a pair ofverydirty looks. I could sense his breathing getting heavier. One ham-like fist was clenched now, the knuckles going white.

“You take me out, you take me home, you refuse to come up…” I sighed in exasperation. “All of a sudden I’m stranded in the friend zone, shaking nervously like a high-schooler at her first big dance.”

The only looks at the table passed between them now. None of the men were even looking at me.

My God, I was fuckingfurious!

“Look,” I seethed, “I don’t know which one of you is interested in me — if anyone at all — or what the hell your deal is. Maybe you’re a trio of hyper-competitive jocks,” I shrugged. “Maybe you get off on dating the same girl, or maybe you’ve got some kind of cheesy rom-com ‘bet’ going on between you as to who can make me feel the most confused.”

I took a long, heated breath and let it out through clenched teeth.

“But none of this really matters anyway, now does it?” I jeered. “Because guess what, you assholes? I’m pregnant.”

It was something I would’ve told them, of course. In time. Maybe when things had gotten more heated and less platonic. Or maybe when—

“We know.”

Evan slid a drink my way, and it wasn’t one of their beers. It was a tall glass of ice-cold water, instead. The only one at the table.

“We’re the ones who made you pregnant.”



The word stupefied had always been somewhere in the back of my vocabulary. I knew it, but I’d never actuallyfeltthe word until now.

“You?”I somehow breathed. “You’rethe clients?”

Evan crossed his tattooed forearms and laid them on the table. I was distracted momentarily as all the muscles flexed and danced beneath that painted skin.


My eyes flitted from one man to the next. Evan sat there drumming his equally-tattooed fingers, all eight of which were decked out in chunky silver rings. Joshua’s sexy blond hair fell over one eye, but the exposed eye was fixed concernedly on me. And then there was the third man…

Holy hell.

Whoever he was, the third man was absolutely enormous. His close-cropped hair was jet black, and his accompanying beard was a thick carpet painted across his square, masculine jawline. He looked utterly formidable. Dangerous and deadly. All except for his eyes, which beneath his two dark brows were this breathtaking, crystalline blue.

“Alright then,” I swallowed nervously. “Which one of you—”

“See that’s the thing,” Joshua cut me off. With a shake of his head that seemed all too familiar, he flipped his hair back. “Actually, we don’t even know.”

His answer, as simple as it was, took several long seconds to reach my brain. It didn’t make any sense.