Yes! I did love these men. As a unit. A team. But as individuals, too.

And that’s okay.

Slowly I pulled free of Evan’s spent manhood, then rocked back on my heels. I looked up at him with glassy eyes and saw lust in his expression, but admiration too. I saw respect in those blue-green eyes. Even adulation.

Holy fuck, I really,didlove them.

“Marry me.”

Evan’s words sent my heart thundering away in my chest, but mostly with confusion.


“A girl who can do what you just did?” he smiled down at his still-glistening shaft. “You marry that girl when you find her.”

A body spooned against me from behind. “You’ll have to marry me too, then,” Joshua’s lips tugged gently at my earlobe. I shivered as his hand closed over my ass. “Because I’m not giving this up for anything.”

They were kidding, of course. Even so, their words made me melt. And then there was something in the way they spoke that indicated something different, too. Something strange.

Like maybe, just maybe… they weren’t one-hundred percent kidding.

“Two husbands, hmm?”

I stood up, before they took me right then and there on the floor of the living room. It wouldn’t be the first time, and it wouldn’t be the worst thing either. But tonight my plans involved a soft bed, a hard orgasm, and me drifting off happily between two warm, beautiful bodies…

“I’ll take your proposal under consideration,” I said, holding a hand out to each of them. As their palms slid into mine, I sighed happily. “While I’m fucking your brains out, that is.”



The worst part wasn’t the lack of sleep, it was the empty feeling of being alone. At three in the morning the whole world was soundless, noiseless. Eerily devoid of life.

Even so, it was better than the dreams.

Last night had been incredible, of course. At first it had been fun, letting Quinn take charge. She’d drained us in the wickedly best way, and then led us up to her bedroom, where the three of us connected on levels so utterly amazing, so frighteningly intimate, I wondered how I’d ever be able to let it go.

And that was the scariest part, really. The letting go. For now it was fun to ravish our beautiful blonde houseguest and make her the queen of our world. But when the time came for her to go back to her normal life again…

Well, that was something I didn’t even want to think about.

I’d fallen asleep cradling her in my arms, relishing in the softness of her plump little ass with Evan on the other side of her. She was making out with him, and then me, and then Evan again. Kissing us over and over, until we all passed out together.

I’d woken bathed in a cold sweat, with such a start I almost cried out. Rather than wake them, I came back to my bedroom. There was no sense in lying there, staring up at the ceiling. Once the dreams came, sleep was an impossibi—


I whirled. Quinn was there, standing in one of her skimpy sleep gowns. Her lithe, feminine body was silhouetted by the light of the moon.


Shit, she’d never called me that before.


God, the word soundedperfect.

“I—I’m sorry if I woke you,” I apologized. “I guess I got restless and—”