And then there it was… a noise floating in from the hallway. It was a noise I’d heard dozens of times before, only this time it sent goosebumps exploding along the full length of my mostly-naked body:

Footsteps on the staircase.



The sound of footfalls grew louder, as my mind tried to pick them out. Was it one of them, or two? Or maybe—

Someone pushed the door open. I rolled my head to one side, then watched as all three of my roommates stepped into my bedroom. They moved smoothly and noiselessly together, as a team. Surrounding my bed the same way I imagined they’d surrounded their enemies, only with much less deadly intentions.

I scanned their corded legs, their powerful bodies. Their gorgeous, square-cut faces that seemed almost too good-looking to even be true. But it was Cole’s eyes that I met first.

“You sure you want this?” he growled.

His ice-blue eyes smoldered with an unquenchable fire. Or maybe itwasquenchable. That part would be up to me.

“Was I not clear downstairs?” I held my ground.

He ignored me. “Because once we go down this road, it could have… repercussions.”

“Oh yeah?” I laughed, somehow without nervousness. “Are the orgy police going to show up and arrest me?”

My comment elicited an immediate chuckle from Evan and Joshua. But not Cole.

“You could end up catching feelings,” he said simply. “You could end up falling for one of us.”

Really?I thought to myself.That was their fear?

“Boys, boys, boys…” I sighed, letting my body writhe into a new cool-spot on the sheets. “Who’s to say you won’t be falling for me first?”

My apparent bravado — wherever the hell it came from — was enough for the others. Moving as one, both Evan and Joshua reached down and began rolling their shirts off.

Holy shit.

Inch by inch they exposed vast acres of yummy, sun-bronzed flesh. Joshua’s body was every bit as incredible as my fingertips remembered it. Evan’s was cut with lines of hard, lean muscle, and accented by a sexy mosaic of black-and-grey tattoos that covered his chest, his shoulders, his arms. They made me wet just looking at them.

“I want this,” I admitted softly, finally answering Cole’s question. “But just one more thing.”

The bearded giant at the foot of my bed had already made his decision. He couldn’t take his lust-filled eyes from my bare breasts. His chest rose and fell rapidly now, like some great stag having galloped up a high cliff.

He looked feral. Savage. Ravenous.

“Anything,” he eventually murmured.

“Don’t hold back,” I ordered them, diverting my gaze to each of them in turn. “Trust me, I need this.”

I scissored my legs open, giving them a full view of everything. Exposing myself to them felt strangely amazing.

“And I won’t break.”

Evan and Joshua wasted no time. They dove to either side of me, pressing their hard bodies against mine. Molding themselves against my warmth and nakedness, until I could feel their growing hardness against each of my thighs.


I kissed Evan first, but only because his calloused hand guided my mouth his way. Our first kiss was thunderous. Our tongues clashed, our lips churning against one another’s with a rising, primitive heat. I whimpered and moaned needfully into his mouth. Especially when his hand opened against the entire side of my face, taking firm yet gentle control.

This was the kiss that was stolen from us, I realized. The one we should’ve had that night.