“I know what you’re going to say,” I cut Evan off. “This only works if I cooperate, right? You can’t protect me unless you know where I am, and I shouldn’t shut my phone off, or I should’ve at least called to tell you what was going on, so none of you worry about…”

My sentence trailed off as I saw Joshua avert his eyes. I tilted my head.

“Wait a minute. Youdidknow where I was.”

The room fell deathly silent. Eventually, Evan’s shoulders slumped.

“Smokehouse Grill, near Kendall Square.”

I pulled out my phone. It was still powered off.

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed. “You put a tracker on mycar?”

“Quinn, the people we’re dealing with—”

“Are dangerous,” I blurted needlessly. “I know! I know…”

They’d been lounging in shorts and T-shirts, freshly showered from their nightly workouts. This time of night always drove me crazy, too. They smelled like soap and fresh linen, their swollen muscles all taut and beautiful.

“Look, I’m not even mad,” I relented with a sigh. “I get it. I should’ve called.”

The collective relief on their faces actually made me smile.

“Next time I will,” I promised. “And I’m fine with the tracker. You could’ve told me, in fact. It’s just…”

Evan shifted, inadvertently flexing a deliciously distracting bicep.

Aw, shit.

Suddenly I couldn’t focus. It didn’t help that Cole’s shirt was so tightly stretched across his body I could see every ripple of his rock-hard abs. Or that Joshua wore the same loose-fitting style of shorts I’d sent my hand spelunking in the night before.

Between everything, I lost track of anything else I was going to say.


I thought of all the flirting, and the after-shower run-ins. I could recall the heady, musky scent of Evan’s body, the night we got too close. The feel of Joshua’s strong hands, gripping my hips…

“… you really should…”

I wasn’t even listening anymore. I was too far gone. Too hyped up and horny from listening to the details of Meghan’s story, all of which I’d already replayed in my mind, a dozen times or more, on the car ride home.

“You know what?”

I stepped forward between the two couches and set my hands on my hips. All three men were staring up at me.

“I’m pregnant, I’m horny, and my hormones are surging like that ocean out there,” I said, in a voice not wholly my own. “Basically I’m going out of my mind.”

No one moved. No one spoke. Subconsciously, I slid a palm down over my lower belly.

“Is there no world in which one of you big strong military men might… you know… help a girl out?”

For some unknown reason I suddenly felt brave. Confident. Supremely powerful.

“It doesn’t just have to beoneof you, by the way.”

The last sentence seemed to come from totally out of nowhere. My heart was suddenly a jackhammer, thundering away in my chest. It pumped a welcome rush of adrenaline through my veins until every cell in my body was practically vibrating.

This isn’t me!