“We’re here.”

I pulled up behind Joshua’s truck. He and Evan were on the sidewalk, shaking their heads. My face curled into a frown.

“You probably should stay in the—”

Quinn had already popped the door and hopped down. Her response was the heavy passenger door slamming closed.

Or not.

Up the stairs we went, shielding her protectively between us. Her apartment was exactly in the state I thought it would be. Top to bottom, room by room, it had been turned totally upside down.

Every drawer had been torn out, every cabinet had been emptied. It made for a horrendous mess, even with the moderate amount of stuff she owned.

“Quinn…” Joshua began. “I’m so sorry.”

At first she didn’t respond. She was too busy picking through her own things, taking what she needed. She slammed an empty drawer onto a worn dresser, then began piling stuff into it.

“This is crazy,” said Evan. “I know they were looking forher, but this?”

“It’s like they were searching for something,” Joshua agreed. Gently he moved Quinn’s upturned mattress, clearing a path into the bathroom. “A clue, maybe.”

“A clue to what?” Evan asked. “Us?”

No, I thought to myself.Not us.

Grimly I began looking for another drawer, because the one Quinn was working on was almost full. I knew exactly what they’d been looking for. And I knew exactly why, too.


“Cole, what do you think?”

I paused intentionally at Evan’s question, then scratched my beard. “Dunno.”

I hated lying. I hated anything to do with keeping things secret, especially from them.

“Whatever it was, I don’t think they found it,” Joshua added. “Let’s just get out of here.”

Evan was standing near a ransacked desk, which was completely cleared of anything that might’ve been on it. Everything except the pair of disconnected wires he was holding.

“They took my laptop?” Quinn asked, her voice strangely hopeful.

“Yes. Unfortun—”


“Good?” Evan shot her a confused look. “Why, did you hate that laptop?”

“No, actually I loved it.”

“So then why—”

“Because we can track it,” I jumped in. Quinn’s gaze swung my way, and she gave me an approving smile. “As soon as they log in, I’m guessing?”

“As soon as it connects to any Wi-Fi source,” she agreed. “Yes.”

She was intelligent. We knew that too. We’d poured so many resources into vetting this woman, I almost felt bad for it. But I also felt like I knew her, inside and out. I just hadn’t expected… well…

To be this attracted to her?