I reached my door, clicked the lock, and pushed my way into my woefully empty apartment. The sound of my keys clacking against the counter was the loneliest sound in the world.


The situation wasn’t just dire, it was confusing as hell. Which meant there was only one thing left to do:

Take Meghan to lunch.



There were a few sounds you never really forgot, no matter how much you wanted to. For me, unfortunately, it was the almost musical rattle of teeth clattering across pavement.


My attacker rolled sideways across the darkened alley, his ruined mouth now a fountain of blood. I couldn’t see the knife anymore. And that worried me.


He’d been following me for the past several blocks. Or maybe even followingus. That part worried me most of all, because if it were true it meant he knew whoshewas. Or rather, what she might be to us.

And that was something that simply couldn’t fucking happen.

“Who SENT you?”

He was still on all fours, fingers splayed, gasping for air. Spitting blood, and froth, and probably more teeth.


I reared back to deliver a hard kick to the man’s ribs. To his credit though, he was a tiny bit faster. Or rather, he’d played up the whole ‘wind knocked out of him’ thing to the point of making me complacent.

And Ihatedbeing complacent.

What the—

In one swift movement the man grabbed my ankle, sprang upward, and twisted hard. I had to twist with him, or my ankle was history.

And that meant rolling through the garbage-smeared river of filth.


The knife flashed again — a glint of moonlight on mirror-sharp steel. The thing wasn’t a knife so much as a long, curved machete. A fucking short sword, even.

It rang like a bell against the old cobbled pavement.


The man’s face contorted in anger and misplaced vengeance. If I hadn’t continued rolling he would’ve buried it firmly in my sternum. Apparently we were playing for keeps.

I swung my leg in a lightning fast arc, catching him in the side of the ankle. It wasn’t enough to break anything, but it knocked him off balance enough that I could scramble to my feet.

“Alright,” I spat acidly. “We’ll do it your way.”

Six blocks. That’s how far I’d gotten. Six blocks from dropping my beautiful ‘date’ at her doorstep and having the willpower to walk away, despite every nerve ending in my body telling me to stay.

Only I couldn’t stay. Not in a million years. Crossing that threshold was an impossibility, made even more complicated by—

The man lunged, and in lunging he made his final mistake. I twisted sideways, grabbed his arm in two places, and forced it in a direction it was never meant to go. A grim satisfaction stole over me as it snapped neatly at the elbow.