“You wanna know something?” he asked.


He took another step, then another. We were face to face now, eye to chest.

“I think it’s hot.”

I was looking up at him, right into his pretty-boy hazel eyes. Jay’s smile was infectious. I couldn’t not smile back.

“I always thoughtyouwere hot,” Jay said gently.

He set the bowl down, then reached out to pull my shirt back off my shoulder. He did it so smoothly I couldn’t stop him.

And then I realized, deep down… I didn’twantto stop him.

“You know when Tyler told me, I was jealous,” he said. “You coming over here, all horny and juiced up. Dressing like this…” He brushed the strap of my teddy. “All set and ready to, well… you know…”

I could smell him now, and his scent was musky and sweet. I couldn’t even admit that it was turning me on, but it was.

“You know I’ve always imagined what it would be like to be with you, Jenna.”

I didn’t know what to do, what to say. It was certainly no secret that Jay and I flirted throughout Tyler’s and my relationship. It never amounted to anything, and Tyler was never bothered by it. In fact, he mentioned more than once how he liked the closeness of our connection. His past girlfriends had always found Jay overwhelming or even annoying, and it always created a rift between them. But when it came to us…

Jay slipped a finger beneath the strap of my lingerie, then snapped it against my shoulder. I didn’t even flinch.

“I think it’s even hotter that you’d bethisadventurous,” he said with a hint of genuine admiration.

My mouth was bone dry, like I’d been eating sand. I suddenly needed my wine glass very badly.

“I’m not adventurous,” I finally countered.

“Oh no?”

We both whirled at the sound of Tyler’s voice. He was standing in the doorway, smiling back at us.

“What about that time on the Ferris wheel?” he mused. “That wasn’t adventurous?”

I flushed automatically, remembering exactly what he was talking about. Tyler and I had been dating six months when the County Fair came around. The cars had stopped, and he pulled me into his lap. From there it had been a simple thing to hike my panties down, past my cute pleated skirt. And my God, he wassohard! Harder than ever, maybe. I remember taking him impossibly deep, grinding my ass into his lap before the—

“And in that field, when we were picking pumpkins?” Tyler sighed wistfully. “There were so many people around we had to move to the corn maze. And then there was the time in the furniture store—”

“Alright, alright,” I conceded, not even trying to hide my grin. “Maybe I’m alittleadventurous. But nothing like…” Reaching over, I tapped my shoulder. “This.”

“Show us,” Tyler said suddenly.


“C’mon,” he said innocently. “Jay wants to see it. Idefinitelywant to see it. You wore it for me after all.”

“Yes, but—”

“What’s the big deal if you showed us?”

He stepped forward, to where Jay and I stood. Tyler’s presence reminded me sharply of all the times I’d been this close to him, and even closer. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

“Do you need me to help you?”

His hands went to my hips, where he started lifting my shirt. I didn’t stop him. In fact, I lifted my arms without thinking.