Good riddance.

I still couldn’t believe where I was going. The guys had welcomed me with such enthusiasm I felt like a kid at Christmas — which happened to be rapidly approaching. I had a thousand shimmering presents ahead of me, in more ways than one. All of them would be amazing. Each and every one of them, exciting and new.

And I couldn’t wait to betheirpresent, as well.

Again and again I’d gone over it, but still I couldn’t believe how my life had unfolded. The guys sat me down and told me they wanted me to be theirgirlfriend. A full-blown four person relationship, free and equal in every possible way.

On paper of course it sounded ridiculous. Like some nightmare of jealousy and inconsistency that would force one or more of these best friends to hate the others. Yet the way they’d laid things out, this was an impossible conclusion. In their own hearts we were one, not four. And since they already loved each other like brothers, they made it clear this was only an extension of the experiences they’d shared throughout their lives.

It should’ve sounded perverted too, but it didn’t. What we were doing transcended sex. The bonds I already felt for these men — and them for me — went beyond mere physical acts and dove deeper into emotional connections, where I felt adored, protected, and yes, loved.

The rules they’d proposed were simple: anyone, anytime, anywhere. I had three equal boyfriends, all willing to date me. All willing to take me out or keep me at home, to cuddle alongside me on the couch, to drag me into their bedrooms one by one, or me dragging them into mine. And the doors to those bedrooms would always be open. Anyone would be invited intoanyscenario, at any hour, regardless of who started what.

Strangely — or maybe not so strangely — all thoughts of Elijah went out the window. My brain was otherwise occupied by the wonderful thrill of being the center of attention, and by my own ambitious ideas for thanking and loving each of my boyfriends in turn. We were a foursome now. A closed, committed unit. And while the group dynamic was obviously the most attractive part of living with my three sizzling boyfriends, I also treasured the uniqueness of the one-on-one relationships I was building with each of them as well.

Tyler and I were closer than ever, and had a sizzling history from which to draw upon. It made me molten hot to remember all the incredible things we’d already done when we were younger — experiences which we relived in bed together, during times we were alone. Jay and I likewise had a history of such an intense mutual attraction that whenever he touched me itstillfelt naughty. We played upon those feelings throughout our trysts together, which often ended with Tyler climbing between my legs afterward and playfully chastising his friend for making such a ‘mess of his girl’.

And then there was Luca, who through years of training and hard military action had become somewhat of an enigma. As a man, he was the perfect mixture of hard and soft; a rough, gruff-looking exterior but caring and sweet on the inside. He’d spend hours just holding me, kissing and making out with me, until the fire in my belly was all-consuming before carrying me upstairs to make slow, beautiful love to me in his bed. And then there were other nights, too. Nights where he’d get this raw, primal look in his eye, like a hungry predator ready to devour helpless prey. I’d sit there innocently and a bit nervously, my pussy dripping with anticipation. Wondering if we’d even make the bedroom, of if he’d just throw me over the arm of the couch or bend me over the kitchen counter and fuck me absolutely senseless.

Sometimes it was even in full view of the others, who’d watch casually and then join in. Other times Luca would get me right to the very edge. He’d touch and devour me, leaving me breathless and panting. He enjoyed taking me well past the point of no return, before making me beg and plead for him to finish me off.

Even better though — and more likely the case — was when he made me call out for the others. One or both of them would slip into the bedroom, sensuously stripping their clothes off so they could help demolish me utterly and completely.

My daydream ended as Jay pulled into the driveway and killed the engine. The thank-you kiss I gave him was more than just promising, it actually tented his shorts. I knew this because I was sure to give him a good squeeze before bouncing inside.

Jay carried the last of my things into a warm house lit by a cozy fire. Luca and Tyler were in the kitchen, setting plates. There was the satisfying pop of a cork leaving a bottle of ruby red wine, and together we drank and ate something that might’ve been incredible, only I could barely taste it.

And I could barely taste it, because my mind was solely onthem.

Since moving in, all three of them had told me how much they loved me. It had been overwhelming at first, but with each passing day I realized the sentiment went well beyond just words. These men kept me warm at night, and made me laugh all day. They made me feel happy, included, and above everything else, safe.

I wanted very badly to do something for them.

“Are we officially finished here?”

Their plates were empty, the bottle too. One by one they shrugged and nodded.

“Meet you on the couch, then. I need a hot shower.”

The couch was our place to relax, at least until the rest of the house could be finished. The stop work order had almost been lifted. The restaurant was re-opening in just a couple of days. Our lives would get hectic again, and we’d be exhausted at night. Which is why I wanted to take advantage right now.

Twenty minutes later I came back downstairs, my skin warm and flush and raspberry-scented. The guys were already flipping through the channels, fighting for dominance of the all-powerful remote control, and therefore, what we’d be watching.

Or rather, what we’d be watchingafterward.


They turned to look at me, standing behind them in a comfy bathrobe cinched snugly around my waist.

“You boys say you want to love me together,” I said softly. “Always. Just the four of us.”

Jay’s and Luca’s eyes moved slowly, hugging my curves, the remote control they’d been fighting over totally forgotten. I watched as their gaze crawled past my hips and up to my cleavage, which was peeking its way out of the tightly-cinched robe.

But Tyler’s blue eyes were locked on mine.

“Ofcoursewe love you,” he agreed.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and smiled. “You’ve made me feel that way for sure,” I went on. “Not just since I got here, but even before. All the way back to that first night.”