The door opened and light spilled out, along with the clear, melodic sound of classical music. Elijah stood there in slacks and socks, with his shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest. He looked nonchalant and unperturbed. Almost as if he’d expected us.

“Hi,” I said before he could even react. “We found this ball in our yard, so we’re returning it.”

I chest-passed it so hard and abruptly it should’ve knocked him flat on his ass, or at least made him flinch. To his credit, Elijah’s hands shot up and he caught it deftly. He didn’t even blink.

“Thanks,” he lied, not even looking at the object that wasn’t his. “I was wondering where this went.”

He tossed the basketball over his shoulder, where it bounced a few times and rolled away. His gaze, however, remained fixed on us.

“It’s about time one or more of you showed up,” he mused. Adding a sigh and a sly smile, he made a half-hearted gesture. “Come on in, I guess.”

Luca and I exchanged glances for a moment, but there wasn’t much need. Our bluff had been called. Side by side, we stepped into the foyer.

Holy shit.

On the inside, the house was nothing short of incredible. Everything was new, crisp, and impeccably decorated, in such a way that looked garish and gaudy — especially in a home not designed to fit such things.

I noticed Luca’s grimace right away, mirroring my disgust. It was borderline obnoxious, how much opulence for the sake of opulence had been brought in.

“Scotch or bourbon?”

Elijah was already in the hallway, standing before a sleek, expensive-looking bar that was fully-stocked with high-end liquor. There was the clink of glasses as he looked back at us curiously.

“We’re not here for drinks,” I said coldly.

He shrugged and poured himself at least four fingers of a deep, butterscotch-colored liquid. After a slow, savoring sip he leaned back on the bar, casually.

“You’re here to welcome me to the neighborhood then?”

“Nah,” said Luca. “We’re more like the ‘invite you to get the fuck out’ committee.”

Somewhere in the background the music changed from a piano concerto to what sounded like an opera. Luca had taken a step toward the wall, and was busy examining a shadowbox frame full of military ribbons, patches, and a few medals.

“You served?” Elijah asked him.

My friend said nothing. Our host nodded anyway.

“You can always tell.”

I glanced into the home’s den, imagining the family of four who’d been uprooted to make room for this insufferable prick. At one time it had been filled with the laughter of two little girls opening presents on Christmas morning. Now it looked more like a museum, packed with furniture that looked too fancy to ever be comfortable. I wondered silently if Elijah even used the room, or if it was just for show.

“You know it didn’t have to be like this,” he said calmly. “All the problems you’re having with your uh… ‘restaurant’?” He snickered purposefully. “Totally unnecessary.”

“They’re not problems,” I interjected. “Just annoying little delays.”

At that the asshole laughed, long and loud. I had to fight back the urge not to punch him square in the face.

“Damn,” he chuckled gruffly. “The two of you have noideawhat’s coming next, do you?”

Movement caused us to glance left, where a woman in a sleek red dress stood, framed in the archway to the kitchen. She was blonde and buxom. Astonishingly beautiful. Her movements were slow and feminine as she brought a glass of burgundy wine to her lips, almost to the point of not looking real.

Absently, thoughts ofTheMatrixfloated to mind.

“I’d have thought Jenna would’ve warned you off by now,” Elijah went on, as if the woman wasn’t even there. “I mean hell,shecertainly knows what happens when I don’t get what I want. And there’s nothing I won’t do to win her back, so…”

“So you love her, but you’re hooking up with someone else in the interim?” Luca replied snidely.

Elijah glanced at the woman, who seemed wholly unfazed by the comment. He made a tiny gesture and she sauntered back into the kitchen, her dress clinging to her shapely hips the entire way.