“If only you were mine,” Elijah went on desperately, sensing false hope. “If somehow I had you again—”

“Youdidhave me,” I choked, fighting back tears. “For a little while, anyway. Up until… Until…”

He reached for me as if to comfort me, entirely unbidden. I ducked away so quickly I smashed my head on my side-view mirror. Silver stars shot like comets through the left side of my vision. I reached up with one hand, and my palm came back filled with blood.


“GET BACK!” I screamed, freaking the fuck out. “GET AWAY FROM ME!”

My cries must’ve carried far, even over the wind. Elijah took two nervous steps backward, still clutching my snow brush awkwardly.

“I don’t care where you live!” I pointed with my blooded hand. “Don’t you EVER come near me again!”

He glanced left and right. There was panic in his eyes.

“Did you hear what I said?” I yelled, before ducking into the car. I screamed one more broken sentence before slamming the door shut and throwing it in reverse.




“I’ll kill him.”

Luca’s words echoed loudly through my little apartment. They were met by nods and grunts of assertion from Jay and Tyler, who were pacing restlessly back and forth.

“No, you can’t,” I quickly shot back. “You can’t even touch him.”

“Oh no?” he laughed. “Watch me.”

It had been a miserable afternoon. I’d spent most of it in the emergency room at the local hospital, waiting for a doctor to look at the gash on the side of my head. After six hours of waiting it took one doctor all of ten minutes to patch me up. Eight stitches later — and a few other tests to make sure I wasn’t concussed — I was as good as new.

“He’s dead,” Jay spat. “No question about it. This guy is fucked.”

“I don’t even know why we’re even sitting around,” said Tyler. “Let’s get the hell out of here, so we can—”

“And I’m telling you again you can’t touch him!” I reiterated fiercely. “You don’t know Elijah. You don’t realize the shitstorm he’d—”

“Shitstorm?” Tyler seethed. “SHITSTORM?”

“First, he’s an ex-Navy SEAL,” I started quickly. “He’s also from Texas, which means he’sgoingto be armed.”

“Not worried,” said Luca.

“And why not?”

“Because if he pulls a gun on me I’m putting it straight up his ass.”

I laughed at the visual, even if only for a second or two. Luca was certainly convincing. I almost wanted it to happen. My boyfriends were all big guys; full of machismo and testosterone and ready to kick Elijah’s face in. But my nightmare of an ex-boyfriend was more than just another big guy that would fight back.

No, Elijah would fightdirty.

“Okay,” I conceded. “Let’s assume you do what you said. You put the gun up his ass. Know what happens next?”

“He shits bullets?”

“No, Elijah has you arrested for aggravated assault.”