“Hey, Jenna. You alright?”

“Yeah I’m good. I… I just—”

“You never thought something like this might actually happen,” he chuckled. “I know.”

For a moment my mind stopped spinning. I took a long, deep breath.

“Are you guys serious about this?”

Holy fuck. I couldn’t believe I was actuallyasking!

“Very serious.”

My heart was a jackhammer, pumping hot blood through my veins. I was more awake than ever. Time meant nothing.

“Look at it this way, it’s only sex,” Tyler prodded. “You’ll still be the same afterward. It’s not like we’re going to break you, or turn you inside out or anything.”

Break me.The butterflies in my stomach were back. They numbered in the thousands, now.

“Unless you want us to, of course.”

Tyler’s last words were devious, even challenging. As someone who knew me so intimately for over a year, he knew all about my competitive side.

“Jenna?” he asked. “You still there?”

“What’s the address?”


“I’ll text it to you.”

There was another pause, and this one meant it all. Tyler said nothing. I said nothing. Yet somehow, a thousand words passed silently between us.

“You’re really coming, aren’t you?” he said. It was more a statement than a question.

“Yes,” I confirmed. “I think I am.”

“Alright then. We’ll be ready.”

The room tilted, like everything in the world was sinking. I realized it was merely all the excitement, overwhelming me to the point where nothing felt real.

“Oh, and Jenna?”


“Wear something sexy,” Tyler said. “Or dirty.”

I could envision his crooked smile through the phone.

“Or both.”



There were small decisions and big decisions, and decisions that seemed inconsequential at the time but could ultimately change your life. And while the ramifications of this decision remained to be seen, I knew the motives themselves were purely selfish.

It’s only sex.