“Because I’ve always wanted to throw someone out on their ass,” he grinned confidentially. “I mean I’m still only a brown belt, but when it comes to getting hired as a bouncer—”

“No, don’t worry about it,” I patted him on the shoulder. “Actually, don’t say anything, especially to your uncle. He’s busy enough, and I want this day to be perfect for him.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Christopher’s optimism and innocence made me forget about Elijah for a moment. He was a good kid. A great kid, actually.

“That guy is nothing,” I told him, jerking my head in the direction of the exit. “A total nobody.”

“A nobody,” he winked. “Got it.”

The crowd around us surged like a living thing. The line at the cash registers was still leading all the way to the door.

“But if youdosee him again, let me know.”



If opening weekend was crazy, the days that followed were even more so. The crowds were non-stop, the ancient pizza ovens always full. Aegean II was filled at first with backers from the Kickstarter campaign, who were thrilled to taste the fruits of their own generosity. But as word spread throughout the community, a secondary wave of past and future customers showed up. They came hungry and eager, all of them curious to see why the corner of an existing strip mall was suddenly packed with cars, people, and new energy.

The sheer number of visitors to the new restaurant was both physically and emotionally overwhelming for Tyler, who came home late every night smelling like cheese and meat. As delicious as that was for me, both he and Jay were so tired they practically fell into their beds every night, were snoring within minutes, and slept like the dead.

This left me some quality Luca time, which I enjoyed very much. Because while the two of us helped out at the restaurant, we also had enough energy to stay up late, cuddle up on the couch, and even watch a few movies.

“More popcorn?”

I glanced up at him from my corner of the couch, enjoying his midnight outfit of boxers and a sleeveless workout shirt. He stood halfway between the living room and the kitchen, twisted at the waist. The sides of his body were striated with rows of sun-bronzed Italian muscle, peeking out from beneath the open armpits.

“Hello… Jenna?” he quipped. “Are we still on the same planet?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Never mind,” he chuckled. “I know what you want.”

My eyes dropped reflexively to his boxers. They were tight enough to show the distinct outline of something I wanted very much.

“You do, huh?” I purred.


Luca disappeared into the kitchen and returned with my second-favorite desire: a virgin pint of cookie-dough ice cream and two spoons.

“You know, for someone who spent the past few years with mostly men, you reallydoknow how to please a girl,” I smirked.

“Damn straight.”

A minute later we were side by side beneath the couch blanket, digging into our frozen treasure. The fire behind us was dying now, but the embers were still warm and cozy. The ice cream felt good sliding down my throat.

“So tell me the story about how you almost dated Jay?” Luca inquired from out of nowhere. “I still never got the whole thing.”

My smile widened as I looked away, my mind calling up memories of that fateful weekend. Even now, I could envision it like it was only yesterday.

“Well, we were in line for the ski lift, my friend and I. And these two cute snowboarders struck up a conversation with us.”

“Ah,” Luca sighed wistfully. “Snowboarding.”

“The polar opposite of where you were, I’m sure.”