“No one ‘lets’ Elijah do anything,” she blubbered. “He justdoes.”


Her head snapped up. Her eyes were red, her face wet with tears.

“You don’t get it,” she told us miserably. “He wasn’t just ‘flying over’. He’sherenow. He’s here in Northhold.”

“All the way from Texas?” asked Luca.


“For what reason?”

“He’s here forme.”

Her face dropped back into her hands, but only for a few moments more. Then she looked up, wiped her tears away, and pinned her hair back. Her expression looked defiant.

“This isn’t going to happen again,” she sniffed. “No way. Not a chance in—”

“Jenna, whatever happened to you…” Tyler started gently. “Whatever he might’ve done in the past… it’s over now. It’s over for good.”

He risked touching her, and this time she acquiesced. Her body curled into him. Her hands went forward, seeking mine, seeking Luca’s, until we were all connected in the enclosed, quiet world of her little car.

“You don’t understand,” she said again, this time more gently. “But you will. Elijah Strong doesn’t take no for an answer. He’s beyond rich. Powerfully connected. He’ll use anything and everything to get what he wants, and what he wants is to make my life miserable again with his presence.”


Jenna let out a long, heavy sigh. “I used to wonder the same thing. At one point I thought he loved me. I really did. But now I realize the reason Elijah wants me is because Idon’twant him.”

“You’re the one thing he just can’t have,” I added numbly. Jenna nodded.

“Yeah, well…” Luca said, his voice filled with acid and malice. “Making your life miserable again? That’s not gonna happen.”

“Oh but it will,” Jenna said simply. “He knows I’m here in Northhold. He knows what car I drive. He knows I teach classes at the yoga studio, and that I’m working shifts at the spa. And that's just for starters.”

My brows crossed as I realized she was right. This asshole had casually dropped these details like they were common knowledge, only they weren’t. These things were personal. They were Jenna’s life.

All of a sudden I felt very angry.

“He didn’t ‘happen’ to see anything just now,” she went on. “He knew exactly where I was,which means he probably knows everything about me. My apartment. My schedule. My whole life.”

Tyler however, still wasn’t totally convinced. “Wait, do you really think—”

“He stalked her to the point of landing a helicopter in the middle of her lunch!” cried Luca. “Who the hell does that?”

“Elijah does,” Jenna answered sullenly. “That’s who.”

Her words echoed through the enclosed silence of the little car. She sniffed once, composing herself.

“And now he’s here.”



The dread I’d felt upon seeing Elijah again was nothing compared to knowing he was still in town. In the days that followed I looked over my shoulder constantly. Every shift I worked, everywhere I drove, I was constantly scanning around to see if he was there.

But each and every time, there was nothing.