I’d been shivering off and on all night. Ever since going home to grab some new clothes from the frozen wasteland of my crummy apartment, I’d felt like a block of ice at my very core. The heated foyer I’d walked into was the antithesis of all of that. The lights were off, but the living room was alive with glowing embers and a white-hot, flickering firelight.

I moved into the room and saw my massage table, set up as expected. At the beginning of the day I’d promised each of them a massage. After all, they had tightly-coiled muscles that needed help, and I had the skills to smooth them out.

Only what I saw didn’t line up with the whole idea of me massagingthem.

“Hey, beautiful,” Jay greeted me warmly. “C’mon over.”

Entering the room was like stepping into a sauna. Like sinking inch by inch into a swirling, steaming hot tub, after having spent all day outside in the cold snow.

I realized immediately they weren’t dressed. Or at least, not fully. Each of them had stripped down to their boxers, and nothing else. Probably in anticipation of the massages I’d be giving them.

“You guys really can’t wait, huh?” I chuckled, letting my eyes wander. I slung my coat over its usual spot. “Alright, then. Who’s first?”

Without missing a beat, all three of them pointed at the massage table.

“You are.”

I noticed right then the finer details I’d first missed. The dim lights, the towels, the bottle of massage oil all three of them were rubbing into their palms. There was even some sort of soothing, new-age soundtrack playing from distant Bluetooth speakers. If I knew them, it was something like ‘massage music’ they’d Googled to find.

Holy shit it was absolutely adorable.

“Don’t tease me,” I breathed.

“Who’s teasing?” asked Tyler.

Suddenly I was very aware that my feet hurt, and my shoulders were tight. My lower back too.

“Because if you boys are serious…”

They stepped forward without another word and disrobed me, as they’d done before. It happened slowly, methodically. Like in a dream.

“Lay down.”

Eagerly I did what I was told. It felt strange at first, lying face-down on my own massage table. I couldn’t remember the last time I was on the receiving end of something like this. Probably not since massage therapy school.

I closed my eyes, shivering in anticipation of what came next. I could hear them shifting around me, into position. The crackling of the fire. The familiar wet, squishing noises as they applied more oil to their big strong hands, then rubbed those hands together.

“You took such good care of us over the past few days,” I heard Luca say. “It’s time we took care of you.”

They touched me all at once, and I melted a full inch into the massage table. Two of my lovers were up top, cupping both my shoulders. One stood low, setting his warm palms into the small of my back…

“Holyfuck,” I breathed. “I mean seriously, I—”

“Shhhh…” a voice hissed. “Just relax and enjoy, okay?”

The whisper in my right ear was deep and firm and wholly insistent. Very slowly I let all the air out of my lungs, relinquishing the very last of my control.


Six hands. Jenna.

I couldn’t wait. I needed this so very badly, and it was going to be three times as glorious from three different people. And not just people, these were men I cared about. Men I was intimate with. Men I even loved.

Six fucking hands…

For several tantalizing moments I just lay there, wondering if they were only messing around with me. But then the pressure of their fingers came, and with it a pleasure so intense, a rapture so pure, it threatened to overwhelm all five of my senses at once.
