“My mother took this the first time I brought you into the restaurant,” he said wistfully. “I remember her being proud, too. She told me I ‘did good.’”

“Youdiddo good,” I bumped him.

“She said we looked naturally happy. Like we belonged together.”

I stared into the photo, which was like peering backward through time. We all looked so young. It had to be early into our relationship, if Maggie was still around.

“Maybe I’ll hang this one up too,” he chuckled. “Jay would get a kick out of it.”

“Yeah, well you may want to Photoshop Maggie out of it first,” I quipped. “He’s not a fan.”

Tyler laughed. “Nah. That’s the fun part.”

He dropped the photos back into the box, and for a moment our eyes locked once more. No sentences were spoken, no words were said. Even so, a whole volume of information passed silently between us.

“Thanks for this,” Tyler said, his voice going tight.

I shrugged innocently. “For what?”

“You know what.”

Tyler leaned down to kiss me intensely, flooding my body with a searing, inner heat. It made me gasp and whimper in blissful turmoil, as I struggled to keep my body from melting into his.

Easy, Jenna.

The four of us had promised to save this part for later. To indulge in this kind of thing only once we’d finished setting up the entire restaurant, no matter how long it took us. So far, three days later, we’d somehow miraculously succeeded. But a kissthisgood? One that left methisbreathless and reeling and magnificently wet?

Well, a kiss this good almost felt like cheating.

“Later, remember?” I murmured softly, hating myself as I pulled away. “We’re almost done. Almost there.”

Tyler squeezed my right ass cheek — the same one his best friend had just slapped a few minutes ago.

“Rules suck,” he sighed, letting me go. “You know that?”

“Maybe so,” I winked back at him as I strutted from the room. “But rules get things done.”

Back in the restaurant, Jay and Luca had already positioned two more booths. Everything was lining up nicely. The electric, the plumbing, the gas lines and all finishing work had been done for days. Setting up the layout and decor was the final step. We were in the home stretch.

“Those hands hadbetterbe ready,” Jay called over. He’d pulled his gloves off, and was rubbing his shoulder. “You’ve got a lot of kneading. A lot of pushing and pressing and whatever other magic you plan on working, so…”

“Are you seriously doubting me?” I challenged, adding a smile.

“No, but—”

I interlaced my fingers and extended my arms, turning my hands inside out. The resulting crack of my knuckles echoed through the semi-empty restaurant.

“Remember, I’m a professional.”

That seemed to satisfy my gorgeous blond boyfriend. He and Luca went back to unloading the truck, and I went back to ogling those beautifully-muscled arms I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on.


In fact, I thought to myself as I checked my phone’s latest alert, everything was working out exactly the way I’d—

