“Because look at you!” I cried, stepping into the rain. “There’sthreeof you! And you’re all incredible. You’re all over the top, ridiculously charming.”

An umbrella popped open. It swung upward, covering my head.

“See?” I shouted. “Look at how sweet you are! How thoughtful!”

Jay tilted his head. “And this is a problem… why?”

“Because there arethreeof you!” I said again. “And you’re all intelligent. You’re all so damned confident, and strong, and—”

Tyler seized me, pulling me against him. He kissed me fiercely, crushing me tightly against his chest as the rain fell around us. It took me no time at all, before I was kissing him back.


My resolve — if I truly had any to begin with — disappeared like smoke in the wind. It was nowhere to be found as I was passed into Luca’s strong arms, then Jay’s, each of them kissing me more passionately and possessively than the last. It happened right there on the street, right out in public. That part frightened the hell out of me, but not as much as it turned me on.

Ah, fuck.

Eventually I was staring up at Tyler again, his ice-blue eyes searing themselves hotly into mine. I was limp in his arms, now. Helpless. Totally surrendered.

“See?” I gasped softly. “I can’t resist any of you. It’s impossible.”

Someone tugged my duffel bag loose from my limp fingers. In the same smooth movement a hand slipped into mine and squeezed it lovingly.

“While it’s still impossible to resist us,” Jay joked, “we’re taking you to dinner.”



They took me someplace dark and cozy, but more importantly; someplace warm. The restaurant had a roaring central fireplace with four open sides. Somehow we got a table at the opposite end, giving us plenty of time to dry out from the rain as we soaked up that soothing, flickering heat.

We ate sparingly, but made up for it with wine. We left four empty bottles at the table by the time we’d paid the bill, and each of us felt warm and fuzzy inside. The conversation had been light, even humorous. We hadn’t talked about work or business or anything to do with the situation at hand. We’d only had fun.

Even so, an intense chemistry hung in the air between us, heavy and palpable. The guys looked hotter than hell in their tight wet shirts, which clung enticingly to their hard bodies until the fire made them woefully dry. The dancing shadows lent a ruggedness to their faces too. They looked even more chiseled and masculine than usual, with strong noses and square-cut jaws that gave all three of them a model-like appearance as they sat huddled around me.

It didn’t help that they heightened the sexual tension with not-so-covert, lingering touches throughout our meal. More than once I felt a foot gliding along the inside of my leg, or a hand resting lightly on my thigh. The guys would reach out to just barely touch me, teasing my skin with the tips of their fingers. Grazing me in places that weren’t overtly sexual, but were mind-blowingly sensual nonetheless.

The semi-innocence was driving me crazy. I’d vowed to keep things platonic, and technically I was. But another part of me wanted one or more of them to drag me into the bathroom and just fuck the shit out of me. To throw me up against the nearest wall and ravage me like they had in Luca’s bed.

Eventually we were back at the house, where I noticed even more work had been done. The kitchen had a table now — a real one, not the folding plastic piece of crap they’d been using in the interim. There were all new appliances, and a new coffee maker. The glass cabinets had plates in them.

Luca poured more wine as the boys sat me down. I felt warm on the inside. Buzzed and happy and totally care-free. There was a refreshing casualness to the way we interacted, all four of us. It was so real, so natural, I couldn’t understand why I’d been avoiding them in the first place.

You know why.

I shook away the grumbling voice that I’d heeded for so long. For tonight at least, I was done listening to it.

It was Tyler who spun Aegean’s new lease in front of me, to give me a look at it. He huddled beside me expectantly, but I was in no condition to be reading legalese.

Then, as I sat there, something else took over. Something that forced me to stand up abruptly, just as the three of them had finished sitting down.

“You really want to keep doing this?”

It was a question. An accusation. A fishing expedition. All wrapped into one.

“Don’t you?” asked Jay.

I searched my feelings once more, as I had a thousand other times this week. Words of protest came to mind. Honesty prevailed.