

The next week was busy, in more ways than one. I’d scheduled extra classes at the yoga studio, without realizing the spa had two co-workers on vacation. The overtime was fantastic of course, and I couldn’t complain. But it meant coming home well after dark, to a cold, empty apartment that sometimes took hours to heat up.

In addition, at the end of every day my hands were locked up like claws. Deep-tissue massage required a lot of palms and elbows, but for some muscle groups only the hands and fingertips could smooth things out. I iced them despite the cold, knowing that the temporary discomfort would be nothing compared to going in the next morning all swollen and painful.

I bore it all however, and soldiered on. By the week’s end my shoulders felt like granite, and my hands and fingers were entirely numb. Somehow, though, I still found time to run Aegean’s Facebook page. I posted photos, stories, and even some old images we dug up of what the restaurant looked like in the 70’s and 80’s. I even stopped in once or twice to see how Tyler was doing, but the place was so busy I could barely get near the front entrance.

Because holy shit, my plan had workedand then some.

For starters, people were outraged that the mall was forcing Aegean to leave. Even the ones who understood the place was long since dead were still upset at the prospect of never eating there again, and simply couldn’t believe its owner didn’t merely move the restaurant someplace else. They all stopped in, patronizing the place to the point where it was dangerously over capacity. Some were shocked. Others angry. Yet all of them waxed nostalgic, pining for the ‘good old days’, trading stories of what it was like to eat there when they were younger, not to mention who they were with, what they were doing, and how every memory of the place was fond and fantastic.

We put the Kickstarter link up right before the weekend, and the buzz surrounding it was even more incredible. People were ecstatic that the restaurant might be saved. They donated generously, pushing to the halfway point of our goal in record time, while promising that no matter where Tyler moved the place to, they’d be there to enjoy the same old pizza using the same old ingredients.

By Sunday afternoon, the pizzeria actually ran out of food and had to close early: something that had never happened in a half-century of business. That same night, Tyler was triple-ordering flour, eggs, cheese, and toppings. I learned all this through our shared group text, which was a four-way combination of bewilderment, excitement and outright wonder over what might happen next.

My phone rang late, just as I was easing my body beneath the steaming spray of a nice hot shower. I’d been taking more than one shower a day, lately. It was a sure way to get my core temperature up.


I’d pressed the accept button without even thinking. I couldn’t see the contact name through all the steam.

“What are you wearing?” a deep, sultry voice asked.

For a moment I was thrown back. But only a moment.


“Don’t dodge the question.”

Staring into the steam-coated mirror, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Actually, I’m not wearing anything at all.”

There was a pregnant pause, followed by a low, wolf-like whistle. When Jay spoke again, his voice was even deeper.

“You wouldn’t be teasing a guy, now would you?”

“No, never.”

I reached into the shower enclosure to test the water, making sure it wouldn’t scald my skin off. It was just about perfect.

“Okay, maybe notnever,” I conceded playfully. “But I really am about to jump into the shower, so…”

“Come on over,” said Jay.


“Come over,” he repeated. “We’renailingthings.”

In the background, I heard the distinct, repetitive hiss of a nail gun. It went off a few times in rapid succession.

“You’re at Luca’s, aren’t you?” I ventured. “Working on the house?”


“What are you boys nailing?” I played along.