Easy, chief.

I had to remind myself I wasn’t here for that. Not this time.

Then what the hellareyou here for?

For a second or two I didn’t even know. Then the more responsible part of my conscience reminded me I was here to talk, to engage, to reminisce. To enjoy the beautiful, blessed warmth of a fully-heated apartment, and the company of an old friend over a few glasses of wine.

“First things first.”

My ex slipped the stem of a very full wine glass into my hand so deftly it was like he’d practiced the move dozens of times. Which he probably even had.

“A toast,” said Tyler, with a gleam in his eye. He raised his own glass, which was only half as full as mine. “A picture’s worth a thousand words, but memories are priceless.”

His words struck a chord in my heart as our glasses clinked. He went to drink, but I stopped him.

“And be careful who you make memories with,” I countered slyly. “Because those things last a lifetime.”

Tyler grinned back at me, lifting his glass. I wondered what memories of ours he might be calling to mind, as he threw back the rest of his wine.

I was still mid-sip when he turned back to the tiny kitchenette, which extended halfway into the living room. The sweet yet savory smell wafting in was absolutely mouthwatering. Then again, everything Tyler cooked was always delicious.

My stomach rumbled. “So what are we having?”


“Tacos?” I laughed. “I figured you’d be baking up a lasagna or something.”

“Why, because I cook that stuff all day?” He shook his head. “Nah. Sometimes you need a change.”

I shrugged coyly, watching him work. My eyes became glued to the swell of his biceps and triceps, flexing and unflexing as he prepared little bowls of vegetables, sauces, and cheese. He was going all out; for just the two of us. My mouth started watering.

“So how was it?” he asked, stirring one of the pots.

“How was what?”

“The other night,” Tyler said casually. “Finally fulfilling your fantasy of having more than one guy.”

At first I thought he was going for a reaction — shock value maybe, or something like that. Then I realized he wasn’t even looking my way. He was asking a legitimate question.

“It was amazing,” I sighed truthfully. “I mean, it wasn’t something I ever thought wouldhappen, not to me anyway. But yeah, wow. There aren’t words, really.”

Tyler turned, and now he was looking at me like a wolf staring at a lamb. One that had fallen behind, and dropped out of the pack.

“How was it for you?” I asked.

“Hotter than I could’ve imagined,” he said, his voice getting abruptly low and husky.

I watched as Tyler set his wooden spoon on the counter, then spun the burner dials down to ‘simmer’. He faced me again, wiping his hands on his apron. The apartment was small, and taking just two or three steps put us head to head, nose to nose. Our lips were practically brushing as his face hovered dangerously close to mine.

“But there’s one thing that I forgot, though…”

Our eyes locked, soft brown on blazing blue. I was suddenly motionless. Helpless. Hot butterflies exploded in the pit of my stomach.

Oh my—

Then Tyler’s two big hands slipped around me, squeezing me tightly from behind as he swept me from my feet.
