
Jay’s breathless whisper echoed my own crazy realization; as I continued bouncing in Tyler’s lap. I was fulfilling a lifelong fantasy.Ourfantasy actually, as this was something Tyler and I had talked about doing once or twice, not ever imagining it might actually happen.

And now it was happening with athirdman in the room, too.


I turned and suddenly couldn’t find him; Luca wasn’t in the room at all. For a moment I wondered if he’d chickened out. If maybe he’d panicked upon seeing me with Tyler and Jay, and ended up slipping away while no one was looking.

Then I saw him return to the room with a giant armload of blankets and pillows, and all my silly fears dissolved away.

As I watched, Luca arranged some kind of makeshift sex arena on the floor, right between the couch and the two chairs. In the flickering firelight, it looked cozy and inviting. When he was finished, I urged him over.

He smiled, advancing with his still-hard shaft already in one hand.

Yeah,I thought to myself.‘Unreal’ is definitely the word I’d use too.

I popped Jay from my wet mouth, just long enough to switch to Tyler’s other friend. Tyler’s hands were on my hips, pulling me deeper on the downstroke. Lifting me higher on the upstroke, so I could better reach his friends.

It was quite a picture; me riding my ex-boyfriend, his two friends standing at attention on either side of me as I took turns blowing them, hands perched on their hips. Their naked bodies looking incredible, their ripped abdominals glowing orange against the firelight. The piles of blankets and pillows at our feet was an adult playground, waiting to be utilized.

At one point I paused in disbelief.

“You boysreallydon’t have a bed in this whole house?”

I didn’t expect them to shake their heads. But that’s exactly what they did.

I let out a soft, sexy sigh.

“Well, I guess a girl can’t have everything.”



It was more than five years now that the whole thing happened. Our annual guys’ trip to Big Sky had collided with Jenna’s girls’ trip to the same ski resort, on the same weekend, at the base of the same mountain.

It was on that first morning that Tyler and I had struck up a conversation with two cute girls in line for the ski lift. In that ten-minute span of time, there was no real paring. No covert elbowing of each other, to discuss who was interested in whom.

No, there was just the four of us: Me, Tyler, Jenna, and her friend Maggie. Standing in no particular order or configuration. We stayed like that, laughing and talking and clutching our snowboards…

And then the ski lift swept up from behind us, whisking Tyler and Jenna away.

That was it. The rest was history. Tyler and Jenna cuddled their way to the top of the mountain, laughed their way down, and shared the rest of the weekend in one or the other’s bed. Somehow I got paired with Maggie for the remainder of the trip… which turned out to be a story all its own.

And that, my friends, is the luck of the draw.

So while Maggie turned out to be a demon in the sack — the one part of this story that was admittedly fun — she also happened to rule over the nine planes of drama-hell. The girl came with more baggage than the arrival carousel at JFK, and our ‘relationship’ lasted less than a month. Tyler and Jenna of course dated happily for more than a year.

Again, the luck of the draw. Because more often than not, life is about being in the right place at the right time.

Maybe Tyler felt badly about it; because he seemed to include me in more things than most guys with new girlfriends do. I was actually invited on trips with him and Jenna. We shared time together, laughed together, even flirted together — she and I — although always harmlessly and without any intent.

And now here I was at long last, in the one place I’d always dreamed of being. Kneeling between those long, beautiful legs.

Holy fucking shit.

Tyler had already put her through the paces, screwing his ex-girlfriend to some mind-erasing orgasm during which she’d screamed like an eagle. I’d heard that sound a few times before, but only through the bedroom walls of the place he and I had shared together. Old apartments were like that, though. You sometimes heard things you really shouldn’t.