I glanced quickly over Jay’s shoulder, to where Tyler stood watching with rapt attention. He seemed to be enjoying the moment.

“Go on,” he grinned gently. “I know you’ve both always wanted to.”

And with that Jay kissed me… and I kissed him back. It was like crossing the desert to drink from a cold, clear fountain. The culmination of all the flirting, the innuendo, the strictly taboo thoughts of what it might be like to plant my lips on his and just go to town on him, all those years ago.

It wasn’t anywhere near as good as I thought it would be. It was so muchbetter.I don’t know if it was the wine, the lingerie, the feel of four different hands on my body, or maybe because Jay was just such a good kisser. It was probably a combination of all those things, coupled with how horny I was and the sizzling hot look of approval Tyler had given me right before I went at it with his best friend.

I broke the kiss a bit guiltily, not wanting to kiss him any longer than I had my ex-boyfriend. After all, Tyler was the one who’d brought me here. He was the one I’d come for.

When it was over we all took a step back, probably to digest the moment. I was so turned on I couldn’t even see straight! Everything about the unfinished kitchen seemed totally surreal.

“You know, tonight could still happen if you wanted it to,” said Tyler. He nodded toward Jay.

The full implications of what he was implying took a moment to sink in.

“Allthreeof you?” I murmured incredulously.

He nodded. “It’ll just be a little wilder, that’s all.”

My heart was thundering out of my chest. Certain parts of my body felt absolutely volcanic.

“Wilder…” I repeated flatly.

Tyler glanced at Jay for a moment, then back at me.

“I know it’s a lot. And we wouldn’t blame you on bit if you said no.” His blue eyes sparkled. “But if youdidn’tsay no… well…” He let out a breathless sigh. “You’d walk out of here with every last one of your needs satisfied.”

“If you could walk out of here at all,” Jay added with his trademark grin.

For the umpteenth time I was out of words. I could only stand there dumbfounded, reeling from what just happened. My mind spinning with the knowledge of whatcouldhappen, as my body burned with an unquenchable, inner heat.

“We’re going to leave it entirely up to you,” said Tyler, heading for the living room. Close behind, Jay followed. “If you come out fully dressed again,” he pointed to my discarded clothes, “we’ll drink wine and trade stories the rest of the night.”

There was a long, pregnant pause as I watched them go.

“And if I come out dressed like this?” I gestured to myself.

Tyler shrugged on the way through the doorway. There was an all-new wicked gleam in his eye.

“Try it and find out.”



The room was warm from the roaring fire, the music nothing more than a background feed. We’d turned the lights down to about half as bright as before, courtesy of the dimmer-switch Jay and I installed last week.

Now it was all up to her.

I sat on one of the side chairs, Jay on the other. Luca was sprawled in the center of the couch, his arms up on either side. He couldn’t believe what Jay and I had told him, and I had to admit even I was a little skeptical. But when she stepped out still wearing nothing but that sizzling black teddy and fuck-me stockings, my heart leapt into my throat.

Holy fucking shit she’s actually doing it.

A million random thoughts raced through my conflicted mind. This wasJenna. My girl! The one I told I loved as I held her in my arms, snuggled beneath the blankets of my shitty little old apartment. The one I’d made love to dozens upon dozens of times, each more electric than the last.

Her body was as incredible as I remembered it, but even more so than before. Jenna had always been slender and athletic, but now she’d grown into full-blown womanhood. She had curves in all the best places, and those places were fuller and rounder than the last time I’d enjoyed them. But they were all still firm. Still tight and beautiful and gorgeous, and I absolutely couldn’t wait to sink my teeth — among other things — into them again.

But it wouldn’t be just you this time…