Only. Yeah, sure. As if driving to your ex-boyfriend’s at midnight to get railed by two muscle-bound, oversexed hotties were a casual, everyday occurrence.

Imagine if it was, though?

I turned the wheel again, pushing down butterflies as I guided my little car down the next side-street. It had been a long time since I’d been to this side of town. Maybe since Tyler and I dated.

My stomach was a ball of nervous energy, but my mind raced with a thousand salacious thoughts. I called up memories of sex with Tyler, trying to remember what he liked. I imagined all the incredible positions two men could put me in, and which of them would best satisfy my undeniable need for ultimate release.

I decided to take what I wanted. To screw the absolute balls off these men if I had to, in order to bring myself to satisfaction. Once I’d reached the plateau of nirvana, they could do with me whatever their hearts desired. I’d surrender my body happily to anything and everything these men wanted, and the real thrill would be laying back to enjoy the ride.

You’re fucking crazy, you know that?

Maybe. But it was just as likely I’d been denying myself for too long. I’d been single and celibate and way too preoccupied with other things, to the point where a midnight threesome with two sizzling hot guys seemed less like a fantasy I should fulfill and more like something I’d earned and deserved.

I’d done what Tyler had asked, too. Not just for him (and Luca, of course) but because wearing lingerie made me feel sexy and sexual. I didn’t have much, not since the move anyway, but I slipped on a sheer black teddy with a lace-up front. Beneath that I wore a matching garter belt clipped to thigh-high stockings, then covered the whole thing with a pair of jeans and an off-the-shoulder sweat-shirt.

The clothing was my back-up plan. If things got awkward or didn’t go so smoothly, I was still fully clothed and not walking around in lingerie. But if they did…

Well, then the boys could peel off my top layers like unwrapping a toy.

All of this, of course, was covered in a long black coat to ward off the cold Montana evening. Or morning. Or whatever the hell time it was. But it was November, and that meant it was damn cold. A far cry from Texas, where I’d originally escaped this place to spend my college years, and then some.

Eventually I came up on the address Tyler had given me, which was brand new. It was a house, not an apartment. A little run-down and in need of repair, but a house nonetheless. Good for him.

I parked and killed the engine. From inside the home, I could hear the faint sound of music playing. The yellow-orange glow coming from the windows was dim, yet it had a welcome warmth to it.

Now or never.

I stormed the front walk like I owned the place, then knocked on the door. If I was doing this, I wasdoingthis. No hesitation, no guilt, just pure enjoymen—

“Oh my God, JENNA!”

The man who’d pulled the door open wasn’t Tyler. And it wasn’t Luca, either.

It wasJay.

What in the worl—

My ex-boyfriend’s best friend looked wholly amazing, and he felt good too. I learned this as he swept me into a hug that nearly cracked my spine, before dragging me inside and closing the door.

“Holy shit, look at you!” Jay declared. “It happened again!”

My face scrunched in confusion. “W—What did?”

“You got better-lookin’!”

Jay still had the same big flop of surfer-boy blond hair that he did in his snowboarder days, only now he’d grown into his body. His long, formerly-spindly arms were striated with muscle. His handsome face was still boyishly attractive, but it had a new masculine edge to it.

Before I knew it Jay was taking my coat, and for a split-second I worried I had nothing on but lingerie beneath it. By the time I was breathing a sigh of relief, someone else was thrusting the stem of a glass of wine into my hand.

“Good to see you, baby.”

Tyler’s presence wasn’t just reassuring, it was a welcome blast of pure nostalgia. He looked basically the same as the day we’d parted ways, only a bigger and more badass version of his former self.

And the unexpected way he’d called me ‘baby’ made me melt. Almost like no time had passed between us at all.

“Tyler,” I murmured, hugging him tightly. Then, as Jay re-entered the room from behind us, I silently mouthed the words:What the fuck?

He shook his head helplessly but apologetically.