Page 70 of Absolution

It only takes about ten seconds for the dots to show up, indicating his reply.

I’ll check with the San Diego Diocese and see what I can do.

If he comes through on this, it means the possibilities with Ivy are over.

It means I’ve chosen to become my bastard father.



The blur of sleep sticks to my eyes, as I open them to find a figure standing in the closet across from where I lay. Pushing myself up onto my elbow, I wipe and blink away the film, focusing on Damon’s profile, as he stares up at something.

“What time is it?”

“Almost three.”

“That’s strange, I could’ve sworn it was later than that when you brought me here.”

“In the afternoon.”

“Seriously?” I stretch out on the bed that had me drooling all night from how it smelled like Damon. “I think the last time I slept in that late, I was eighteen years old.”

“I’m leaving, Ivy.” In spite of the resolution in his voice, he apparently hasn’t worked up the balls to look me in the eye. “I’m transferring to another church.”

A mirthless laugh escapes me, and I kick myself back against the wall. “That’s … that’s brilliant. Some crazed asshole is coming after me, and you’ve decided to split the scene.”

“Ruiz has agreed to let you stay here as long as you need.”

“Damon, I have shit that will be thrown out onto the streets. Okay? You’re asking me to quit my job without notice. Quit my rent. Quit mylife.” It’s hard to believe I can muster another tear, but the moment that familiar sting hits the rim of my eyes, I have to swallow back the emotion in my voice. “I don’t have much. But I’ve busted my ass for everything I own.”

As though ignoring me, he reaches up and grabs a box from the top shelf of the closet, then strides toward the bed. “After Isabella and Val, all I had from my own life fit into this box.” A smile creeps across his otherwise somber face while he stares down at it. “And Philippe, of course. Leaving was the hardest and most necessary thing I’ve ever done. It saved my life.”

“And so, I’m supposed to just hang out here at the rectory until what—they stop chasing me? How the hell will I know when that is?”

“I can’t answer that.”

“Well, answer this: Can you live with the possibility of them finding me? Can you live with the guilt of whatever it is they plan to do with me once they have me?”

“Ivy …” his voice holds a warning, but I don’t bother to stop. Fuck him.

“I mean, I can’t imagine any man affiliated with the cartels would be merciful to a woman he’s made a target, right? They’d probably have their fun with me for a bit first, I’d imagine.”

“Stop. So long as you stay here, you should be safe.”

“Should? And what happens to Ruiz, if they find out I’m here? What if he witnesses everything? Do you think they’d go easy on a priest? Or would it be amusing to have a holy man watch a woman get violated.”

“Enough!” The venom in his eyes stings like it’s hit my skin. “What would you have me do? I’ve spent all night pondering that question, and I still don’t have a good answer.”

“Take me with you.”

“Absolutely not.”


“You’d be walking straight into the mouth of hell, itself!”

“And I’m pretty sure that’s the last place they’d think to find me.”