Page 87 of Infernium

No wonder it felt like something had expanded inside of me. “You’re saying we’re stuck like this? For how long?”

“However long it takes my body to realize I’m not claiming you.”

“Are we talking hours?”

His chest expanded and contracted beneath me on a heavy sigh. “Farryn, when I ask you to do something for your own good, please just do as I say.”

An awkward humiliation washed over me, as I lay across his body with his dick still firmly lodged inside of me. “You were in pain. I wasn’t just going to just stand by and watch you suffer.”

“And here we are.”

I peered down between us, to where we were joined at our hips. “Should I let you finish?”

“As much as Ineedto fuck you right now, that might not be a good idea. You could incite it all over again.”

“So, we just … stay like this?” Not that I minded. After nearly a week of distance, I’d begun to crave the feel of his skin against mine. Unfortunately, the longer he stayed inside of me, the more my body stretched around him and the urge to stir into motion tugged at my belly.

“Yes. My absolute hell. Feeling you. Smelling you. Wanting you so badly, I’d chew my own fucking arm off to touch you right now.” His comment made me chuckle, and I glanced up at his bound hands.

“I’d call for Vaszhago to release you, but no.”

“Absolutely not,” he agreed.

“Should I massage your arms, or something? Keep the blood flowing?”

“Doing so is going to send the blood somewhere else, and I don’t want to risk it. In fact, try not to move too much if you can.”

On a deep sigh, I breathed in the delicious masculine scent that was entirely Jericho. “This was stupid of me, huh?”

“Asinine is the word that comes to mind.”

“I’m sorry.” I lifted my gaze to find him twisting his arm, as if studying a way to slip out of his binds. “Maybe I should’ve just let you–”

“Don’t even say it.” His brows lowered to a frown. “Come to think of it, how did I stop? I’ve been told it’s impossible to stop.”

“Stre vera’tu.”

“I’m surprised that worked.”

I rested my head against his chest, and the steady beat of his heart sent a calm through me. Eyes closed, I focused on the soothing rhythm that had lulled me to sleep so many times before. “I’ve missed this sound. I’ve missed you.”

“I’d have preferred Ex Nihilo over being this close to you and having to keep my distance. I hoped to begin the search for your–”

I reached up and pressed my finger to his lips. “Please. Let’s not talk about him when I’m … you know. It’s weird.” The sound of Jericho’s chuckle was music to my ears and brought a smile to my face.“This isn’t so bad, really. We should make a point to do this when you’re not so … monstery. I like lying with you like this.”

“Yes, but I insist that you be completely naked the next time. Preferably moving.”

I opened my eyes as a thought struck me. “Wait--what if I have to pee?”

“Seems I’ll have to suffer the consequences of your weak human bladder.”

“You’d seriously let me do that?”

“Know that you’re the only one in five realms that I’d ever allow to piss on me.”

“I feel so honored by that, in a strange way.” The mortifying thought had me inwardly cringing, though. Only slightly less humiliating than the time I’d given a guy a blow job and threw up all over his stomach. A fear I’d had with Jericho’s monster cock halfway down my throat. “Don’t worry, I won’t put it to the test. If I can help it.”

“I appreciate that.” He jerked his head for me to kiss him, which I did, then rested my head back against his chest.