Page 82 of Infernium

“Jericho?” I whispered, sitting up from the bed.

Wearing only my thin nightgown, I slid from the mattress, the cold, hardwood floor kissing my feet as I padded toward the door. Through a small crack, I heard the sound echo down the dark hallway, an outcry as if he were in intense pain. Panic stabbed my chest at the thought he might’ve been hurt, and I slipped out, following it around the corner toward Jericho’s room.

As I neared, he bellowed a sound that urged me to break his separation rules, and I opened the door just enough to see him lying in bed, his arms and legs bound by chains to the posts of his bed.

Grunting and moaning in pain, he writhed against his shackles. Pangs of agony speared my heart on hearing him suffer so miserably, and I stepped closer.

An unyielding grip of my arm pulled me back into the hallway. I swung out as I spun around, and my fist landed hard against a crushing palm. I looked up to see Vaszhago wearing an unamused expression.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked in a flat, but threatening, voice.

“He’s in pain.”

“Of course he is.”

I frowned and glanced back to Jericho. “What is wrong with him? And why is he in chains.”

“The chains were his idea. Seems I forgot the gag in his mouth.” On a sigh, Vaszhago released me and tucked a blade I hadn’t noticed back into a holster at his hip. “He literally aches for you. Pathetic, really,” he said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.

A gag in his mouth? Chained? He’d essentially been imprisoning himself every night?

As though finally sensing our presence, Jericho raised his head from the bed, and I studied the sheen of sweat coating his body, the exhaustion in his eyes behind a shadow of something that sent a shiver down my spine. Need. A deep, primal hunger that I’d never seen in him before. Not even the night at the bell tower, when he’d made it clear that he was going to take me. No, the look he shot back at me right then was nothing short of ruthless and uncompromising. The way a killer might look upon its next victim–an inexplicable cross between thrill and malice.

“Farryn!” he rasped, giving a hard yank of the chains. “Come here, Farryn. Come to me.”

The yelling he’d done earlier seemed to have affected his voice, giving it a deep, guttural tone that titillated every cell in my body and sent goosebumps across my skin. In spite of the fear hammering through me, a fevered hum of excitement pulsed beneath my skin.

“How can I help him?”

Vaszhago sighed. “Let him enchainsz and fuck you for the next three months straight. It’ll burn off his pent-up energy, and he’ll be right as rain.”

“Enchainsz?” I frowned, keeping my attention on Jericho, who grunted as he pulled on his binds. “Jericho said that’s basically sexual enslavement.”

Shrugging, Vaszhago pushed off the wall, and when he came to a stand behind me, Jericho bucked and growled even more.“What’s the harm, really? You’d be a hell of a lot easier to keep track of, and I’d know exactly where you were at all times.”

I pondered what he was saying, and while I craved being close to Jericho, I certainly didn’t want to become his walking sex toy for the next three months. “Jericho said it was dangerous.”

A tickle at my scalp alerted me to him lifting a lock of my hair and pulling it through his fingers. “A bit dramatic. He wouldn’t kill you. Outwardly. You might go a little hungry. Battle constant exhaustion, depending on your stamina. Perhaps numb–”

I swatted his hand away, frowning. “That’s not love. It’s sex and nothing more.”

Vaszhago let out a groan and resumed his leaning against the wall. “You humans and your obsession with love …. Such a frivolous and complicated emotion. Useless, really.”

“You’ve never loved?”

“I live by a simple regimen. Eat. Fuck. Kill. Repeat. A demon has no appetite for love.”

“That sounds incredibly boring.”

“As does yourlovelife.”

I sneered at that, ignoring the ache between my thighs as I watched the way Jericho moved his hips in the slow thrusting motions of sex.

Dear God.

On an agonized howl, he arched up off the bed, his arms trembling as he pulled the binds taut. The silvery tattoos scattered across his body glowed in the surrounding darkness, so beautiful and mesmerizing. He looked like an angry male stripper, his glistening body both hard and pliant at the same time. Somewhere in the back of my mind,Ponyby Ginuwine played in time to his slow and maddening thrusts. Need curled in my belly just watching him.
