Page 64 of Infernium

“Oh. What, are you afraid of getting blood on the floor when you bite me, or something?”

“Not quite.” His brows lowered to a mantle of vexation. “The ritual requires that I fuck you in front of them.”

A cough sputtered out of me, as I choked on my own saliva. “I’m sorry,” I said, beating my palm against my chest. “What?”

“The binding is a sexual experience in the demon realm, as there really is no closer connection between two individuals. In order for the binding to be recognized by the tribunal, it must take place publicly.”

My heart pounded inside my throat, and I swallowed past the lump there. “I … I don’t know …Mister Overprotectiveis suddenly okay with everyone and his grandma seeing me completely nude?” Another nervous chuckle slipped out of me.

“No. I’m not. In fact, it enrages me to think of anyone laying eyes on you. But if it means the demon who touches you suffers unimaginable pain, then yes. I will fuck you in front of a stadium of demons and angels, if I have to.”

Skin burning with humiliation at the thought of such a thing, I mindlessly scratched at my neck. That was not Jericho. He was a man who made his own rules. Who defied Heaven and Hell. Something had gotten into him in the last couple of days. A shift that had him saying and doing things that weren’t aligned with who he was. “Why is this so important to you, all of a sudden?”

His muscles tensed around me, as if I’d hit a sore spot. “This isn’tall of a sudden. I’ve dreamed of claiming you for centuries.”

“Look, I was completely on board with the bonding, up until you mentioned public sex. You guys don’t have a demonic justice of the peace, or something? Maybe an Elvis drive-thru chapel?”

His frown deepened.

“What is the point?”

“It is a long-standing tradition that goes back centuries. They watch and determine whether we are worthy of their blessing.”

“Worthy? So, it’s not enough that we humiliate ourselves, we’re to be judged?” I scratched harder at my neck, not realizing how hard, until he swiped up my wrist and a burn streaked across my skin where I’d dug my nails. “This is like webcam porn. I can’t. I can’t do that. No shame to those who can. The whole voyeur thing is just notmykink.” I turned away from him, but when I tried to push up from his lap, he tightened his grip in a way that told me his thoughts on the matter were non-negotiable. As much as I understood his position of wanting to protect me, there was no negotiating. “I just feel like a bonding should be a bit more natural. Not because you don’t want someone else to lay claim to me.” I’d taken on an argument that wasn’t even mine, grasping at anything, just to get him to change his mind about the ceremony.

“I don’t think you understand the consequences, if that should happen. The very thought of another touching you, kissing you,fuckingyou,” he said through clenched teeth, and his grip dug tighter into my thigh. “A public claiming is far less degrading than what you could ultimately be exposed to under the rule of an overlord.”

I couldn’t even believe I was hearing that from him. Jealous and possessive Jericho suddenly all for the prying eyes of others who would be doing God knew what while watching us. It wasn’t even the risky, adrenaline-rush variety of voyeurism. The forbidden touches under the dinner table, or make out sessions in a dressing room. It was full-on sex in plain view. In front of those who were judging to determine the worthiness of our love. The most ridiculous thing I’d ever heard. “What happened to the man who would destroy anything that came for me?Legionsof angels and demons?”

“In case you’ve forgotten, I no longer possess the power to fight so much as a fuckingdzilagiondragon.”

The serpent creature that had tried to pull me under when we first arrived in Nightshade. “Is that what this is about?”


“Then, what? Because you’ve been acting strange. Not yourself.”

He smirked and reached around me for his glass again, pouring himself another drink. “I suppose the impending damnation of my unborn’s mother will do that.”

Unborn’s mother?Why did he make it sound so detached, like something out of a sci-fi movie?

“I guess I have more faith that you’ll restore your wings and get your mojo back.”

Staring down into his drink, he let out a humorless laugh and kicked back a swill of it. “Do you not understand that there are forces out there, powerful entities, that can crush an entire realm at the wave of a hand?”

“Not to sound self-deprecating, but I doubt a powerful entity capable of destroying realms is interested in the soul of a hormonal mom-to-be.”

“Damn it, Farryn! Stop being a naive human for once!” He slammed his fist on the desk beside us, startling my muscles, and I turned to see a crack he’d left in the wood. “For some, you are desirable simply because you belong to me, and the very thought of that strikes a murderous chord. I would sooner watch every miserable creature in every realm burn to the ground than hand you over.” A spike of pain struck my skull, as he curled his hand into a fist and pulled my hair back, exposing my neck. “You are mine.” He licked his lips, eyes directed at my throat, as if he were about to bite into a juicy steak.

It was then a thought occurred to me. One that explained his strange behaviors. His hot to cold possession. The only thing that made sense.

He knew the demon who had laid claim to me.

I only just threw my hands out, palms hitting his chest, as he yanked me to his mouth. Breathing hard through my nose, I waited for him to sink his teeth into my neck. “You know, don’t you? You know who has claim to my soul. That’s why you met in the woods.”

Releasing me, he looked away, not bothering to answer, but the ire in his expression confirmed my suspicions.

“Tell me.”