Page 175 of Infernium

“My sweet son, I have kept you in the dark for far too long, and it’s time you know the truth.”

“What truth?”

Her eyes softened with the kind of warmth that made him want to curl up beside her. “You have agonized for so long about what you are and what you are to become. You have seen the evil that resides within your father, but do not fret. For you carry goodness.Myblood. The blood of the Elysiumeria.”

He studied her face, searching for any sign of delirium. What he’d learned from Soreth over the last few weeks was the nature of Elysiumerians, and how they were perceived as supreme. “I am half Elysiumerian?”

“Yes. You come from a very powerful bloodline.”

He let that sink into his thoughts. “So, I am not entirely evil?”

“No. You are what is known as a Sentinel. The guardians of the heavens. And one day, they will come for you. Because you are a rare breed. A rare and wonderful breed.”

“And what happens to me, when they do?”

“You will be taken away from here. Protected. And you will no longer suffer at the hands of your father.” She gripped his arm, her nails digging into him. “But you must remain good, Jericho. You must follow the path of righteousness and not give in to the tempting darkness that resides within you.”

“What would happen then?”

“The Sentinels will become your enemy. And you cannot afford to be at their mercy while your father remains a threat.”

So many things seemed clearer in that moment. Questions that had swirled inside his head for far too long had finally begun to make sense. “Will they come for you? Will they take you home?”

Tears filled her eyes, and she shook her head. “My time is done. I chose this fate.”

“Why? Why would you choose to stay? I would have gone with you.”

“It is not only you that I stay for.”

Confusion flickered over him, and he frowned back at her. “Is there another?”

Her eyes grew heavy, her grip of his arm faltering. “You’ve become quite fond of her,” she said in a weak voice. “Lu … stina.”

“Lustina?” She stayed to protect Lustina? From what? “Why?”

Her lips stretched to a feeble smile. “She is … strong. But … vulnerable. You must … choose goodness … for her.” Stuttered breaths interrupted her words, and sweat beaded over her brow. “Protect her … at all … costs. And …”

He stared down at her, as she seemed to focus on breathing, her brows pinching together as if in pain. “And what, mother? Tell me.”

She swallowed hard. “Do not … give in to evil. Never tell them … what you are.”

His mind from refused to move from the girl she’d asked him to protect. “Mother, is it Bishop Venable who threatens her?”

She didn’t answer.

Didn’t move.

Panic swelled in the boy’s chest, as he stared down at his beautiful mother and her sweet, angelic face. “Mother?”

Tears welled in his eyes.

He rested his forehead against her temple, breathing in her floral scent.

And he wept.

* * *

A cold chill raked over his skin, as the baron followed Bishop Venable down to the undercroft. Remorse churned in his gut for the way he’d spoken to Lustina after his mother’s services, and he’d wanted the chance to apologize to her, if not for the pentash having interrupted them, informing him to meet with his father and the bishop.