Page 167 of Infernium

I opened my eyes and swung my attention toward it, staring off into the shadowy darkness. “My baby,” I whispered. Was it possible it’d been taken from me? Perhaps I didn’t lose it, at all. Perhaps it was stolen.

“Is someone there?” I called out.

No one answered.

An uneasy feeling swept over me, and I closed my eyes. “If I am dreaming, wake up now.”

“Farryn?” Snapping my attention back the other way showed Vespyr standing just inside the corridor. She scanned over her surroundings, brows pulled tight. “What is this?”

A knock at a door sounded distant, almost muffled and I lifted my gaze toward the bedroom beyond Vespyr. “Farryn?” I could hear Vaszhago’s voice on the other side.

The baby cried again, the sound tugging at my heart.

A feeling of elation wrapped around me, the relief of knowing I might hold it in my arms, and I smiled back at Vespyr. “Do you hear him?”

The pounding on the door in my room grew louder.

Head tilted to the side as if listening, Vespyr frowned. “Who?”

“My baby. He’s crying for me.”

“Farryn …” The color seemed to drain from her face. “I think we should go. Let’s go back. Now.” Vespyr twisted back around, but just as she took a step toward the bedroom, the scene shimmered and wavered, as if an invisible and translucent wall stood before her.

Every muscle in my body stiffened, yet I couldn’t bring myself to move, as if I was glued to the floor where I stood.

What a strange dream, I thought to myself.

“Farryn!” My bedroom door flew open and Vaszhago rushed forward, as if he would step right into the corridor with us. His arm slammed into something, knocking him back a step, and the scene shimmered again. He jumped to his feet and charged again, pounding his fist into the translucent barrier that only wavered with his abuse. “Farryn!”

A loud crackling sound echoed down the hallway I’d passed through, and as graying darkness crawled over the view of my bedroom, I watched in panic as everything disappeared behind a gray, stone wall.

Vespyr banged against the stone with both hands. “Hey! Hey! Let us out! Vaszhago!”

Pound, pound, pound.

Pound, pound, pound.

The sound reverberated inside my skull, and I squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them again, the scenery didn’t lift.

I blinked hard, shaking my head.

Wake up. Wake up.

Still, it persisted. Everything went silent, muting around me. I watched Vespyr pound her fist against the wall, but could not hear the sounds of it, nor whatever she spoke when she glanced over her shoulder at me. The scene fizzled, a blackness clinging to the fringes, as if I might pass out. I rubbed my temples against the ache throbbing there.

The sound returned in clarity again.

Vespyr looked over her shoulder, back at me. “Farryn! Help me find a way to open this!”

I glanced back toward the shadows, then, on a jolt of realization, dashed toward the other side of her, pounding against the concrete as she had. “Vaszhago! Jericho! Help!”

Blowing an exasperated breath, Vespyr rested her forehead against the stone. “I don’t think it’s going to open.” She turned around, eyes trailing over the ceiling and walls again. “What the hell is this place?”

“I pray it’s not what I think it is.”


“In my dreams, there are dark corridors and doors. Like some kind of enormous labyrinth.”