Page 131 of Infernium

“Yes, but you can survive it. You can find your way out.”

“I almost didn’t the last time.” I willed my head not to think about my time spent in that realm, how it had drained my vitaeilem and turned me into something that would’ve made my father proud. “And those who manage to escape are starving for souls.”

“You would not, though. With the Omni, you could fully restore your vitaeilem.”

“Except that we have no certainties. We do not know who the Met’Lazan is, let alone whether, or not, she would know the Omni if she saw it.”

“It is innate for them. Somehow passed from one Met’Lazan to the next. It is as natural as speaking Pri’Scucian is for us.” Much of what he said corroborated that which Farryn’s father had told me.

“Us. Since when did you ever include me in your little angel entourage of Elysiumerian.”

“You are the exception to most half-breeds.”

“And yet, it is only demons who keep a realm like Eradye in check.” Centuries ago, Eradye had once tried to spread through all of Nightshade, claiming its souls and invading other demon territories. It had been the Knights of the Infernal Order which had conquered them, sending them back into their own realm. It made sense that the barren realm had confined itself to Infernium—a place of vulnerable souls whose minds tended to be more open to the existence of demons. Spreading out from there would have resulted in war.

“Demons were only victorious because Letifer remains in slumber. Should he awaken, the full breadth of the Mortunath army would be at his disposal. They would infect every creature in all five realms.Including demons.”

“And it is this Met’Lazan, this human, who can bring down the heavens.” It wasn’t a question, seeing as I’d already gleaned that much from Farryn’s father.

“Yes. By crumbling our only defenses. Should a realm such as Eradye gain access to the vitaeilem in Etheriusz, the angels would be vulnerable. Sitting ducks for the starving Mortunath.”

“Then, it seems the heavens would have this human Met’Lazan killed. She would be a threat, after all.”

“She could also be instrumental. By having access to vitaeilem, she can grant incredible powers with nothing more than a whisper.”

Which was all the more reason why I needed to find her myself. To restore my wings. My power.

Because if war was on the horizon, as he claimed, I would be defenseless without it.

“I will have Vaszhago lift the paralysis, and you will be permitted to walk freely in your cell. As a courtesy to an old friend, I will allow you to remain here. But you will be confined to this cell. The bars are reinforced with Diablisz steel, which means you cannot get out, no matter what powers you possess.” After the night before, I questioned the strength of the steel, although a demon in Rur’axze was known to be creative and determined when it came to his female. “If you should disagree with that arrangement, you’re welcome to leave.”

“I thank you. Very much. I would like to stay, so long as I’m not contorted this way.”

I snorted at that. “I’ll have the staff bring you some food. Don’t go anywhere.”




“What troubles you, Son?” The sweet lilt of his mother’s voice struck the baron’s heart, as he stared out of the carriage window on his way to Solomon’s cabin.

He’d have preferred to walk the distance, as usual, but his mother had insisted on accompanying him that time. Wearing a feigned smile, he glanced back at the older woman. “All is well, Mother.”

She made a sound of disapproval in her throat and cocked a brow. “Perhaps that worked with your nursemaid, but I can assure you that I am not so easily fooled.”

He loved his mother, and trusted her above all others, but he would sooner die than speak of the wretched woman, Syrisa, and the vile ways she’d touched him in that undercroft. Although Lady Praecepsia was kind and gentle, she had always been fiercely protective of him. Even if he thought such a creature as Syrisa deserved punishment, he could not bring himself to be the reason for her execution.

Still, he couldn’t shake the shame that had gnawed at him all hours of the day since that night. If evil existed, it lived inside of the sensation that crawled over his skin whenever the memory came to mind. He could feel its claws digging into him, tearing away at his conscience.

“I’m simply curious as to why you chose to accompany me this time. I am not troubled by it, only curious”

She sat back on the bench, her slim shoulders aligned with her perfect posture. “Sometimes, I enjoy the visits with Solomon.”

“How did you come to know him?”

“Through your father, actually. A very long time ago, they were friends.” A hint of a smile played on her lips as she seemed to recall the memory with fondness.