Page 111 of Infernium

“Absolutely not. Being accompanied by one bumbling human is humiliating enough.”

I glared back at him. “That’s mean.”

“Yeah. And all the more reason I’m coming along.” Vespyr wore an exaggerated smile. “Post haste, Vas.”

“You call me that again, and I will carve out your tongue with a dull blade.”

“Damn, you are moody,” she said, righting her chair. “Don’t they have a pill for that here?”

“Yes. It’s called celestial steel.” Glancing over my shoulder, I smiled back at Vaszhago as I stacked my breakfast plates to return to the kitchen, and he cocked a brow as I passed him.

“Look who’s mean now?”

* * *

The horse plodded along the stony path, as I sat beside Vaszhago, who halfheartedly held the reins. “Why human transportation isn’t utilized as a means of torture amongst demons, I’ll never understand.” He’d originally insisted that I sit in the carriage with Vespyr, but I had some questions that needed answering, so like the stubborn human I was, I chose the seat beside him.

“I take it you have wings, as well?”


“Are they feathers, like Jericho’s?”

“No. Mine are skin.”

For some reason the thought of that sent a shudder of disgust through me. “Like a bat?”

“I suppose. But exceptionally larger.”

Vaszhago was a fairly decent looking guy, indisputably handsome, but the thought of skin wings had me gagging a little in my throat. “So, the angel that you imprisoned last night. Do you think he came for me?”

“I do not presume to know the intentions of an angel,” he said in his usual bored tone.

“You didn’t interrogate him?”

“Why should I? He can rot in that cell, for all I care.” The hate practically radiated off the guy while he kept his attention on the path ahead.

“And he can’t get out?”

“No. He cannot.”

“How are you so sure?”

The slight curve of his lips was the first hint of reaction I’d seen on his face all day. “Because I chained him to the wall with Diablisz steel and put him into paralysis.”

“Paralysis. Is that one of your demon tricks?”


“Oh, I’m sorry.Gifts?”

“One of them.”

“What’s another?”

He rolled his shoulders back, straightening his posture. “As you are off limits, sexually, I’ll refrain from answering.”

“Ah, yeah. Please do.” Jesus, did every creature in Nightshade have some weird kink trait? A memory of Jericho dragging one of his feathers across my breast left me shifting in the seat, and I cleared my throat, desperate to banish the visual in case Vaszhago picked up on any odd body changes. “Well, anyway, thanks again for coming to my aid. I tried to scream, but for some reason, I couldn’t.”