Page 94 of Last Call

“He didn’t make it.”

I gasp and my lip trembles. “The baby didn’t make it? Oh my god.” I sit back in shock, not sure how to process this news. I look over to see if Enzo is paying attention, but luckily he’s talking to Wyatt.

“No.” Kiki shakes her head. “My brother, Cam. He didn’t make it in time for the delivery. He got stuck in the wreck traffic. He literally rolled up fifteen minutes ago.”

“So wait, the baby is okay? Andie’s okay? Everyone is alive and okay? Because your delivery right now really sucks.”

“Yes, healthy baby, mama is recovering well, and Cam is with them.”

I deflate against my seat. “I seriously hate you right now. You literally made my heart stop. Why are you crying?”

“I was laughing about walking in and seeing TJ with Andie on the floor, and all the babies are crying, doors open. TJ’s mumbling about smelling salts. I can’t stop giggling.”

“It’s super annoying.” TJ side-eyes Kiki. “It wasn’tthatfunny. I think she’s still on an adrenalin high.”

“Why are you on an adrenalin high?”

“You won’t believe it, Sare, I delivered a baby! A fucking baby!”

“Hey! Language.” I frown, nodding in Wyatt and Enzo’s direction. “What do you mean you delivered a baby?”

“I mean, I brought a baby into this world in Andie’s kitchen.”

“What?” I ask, my jaw dropping. “Are you serious?”

“Yep, it was the most incredible thing I’ve ever witnessed. I think I’m going to enroll in medical school and become an obstetrician.”

“Oh goodie, here we go again.” TJ rolls his eyes.

“Hey, just because you passed out during a live birth,again, doesn’t mean you have to kill my dream.”

“Kinky, do you know how many years it takes to go through medical school? And I hate to point out the obvious, but baby numbertresis going to pop soon and then you’re going to wish you listened to me and hired an assistant.”

“Dream killer.” Kiki sighs and looks over at Wyatt. “Uh, Sare? Where are all the kids?”

“Lex is watching them. Wyatt didn’t want to miss out on the action. In fact, he told me on the way over he wants to be a doctor someday.”

“Maybe by the time Kiki gets her shit together she and Wyatt can go to school together.”

“Very funny, Tammy Jean.”

“Sare Bear”—TJ leans forward and stage-whispers—“why does Wyatt have Benjamin Blueberry?”

I look over at Wyatt rocking BB-2, and smile. “It’s the strangest thing, you guys. He’s come out of his shell because of this doll. He feeds it, changes its diapers, and takes care of it. It’s the cutest thing. I don’t know if it’s feeling responsible for something, or taking care of a baby, but it has certainly reduced his anxiety.”

“It’s weird and creepy,” TJ whispers. “It’s not a real baby. I’m pretty sure it just blinked at me.”

“It probably remembers your voice and is going to come and strangle you in your sleep tonight.” Kiki smiles evilly.

“Well, thanks, Kinksadoodle. As if I’m not sleep-deprived enough, now I have to worry about Chucky doll, Benji Blue, killing me in my bed.”

I roll my eyes at my two best friends and chuckle. Connor rolls the double stroller off the elevator and strides over to us. I stand up and hug him. “Were you a part of the circus?”

He smirks and shakes his head. “By the time I got to Andie’s, the paramedics were there taking care of Andie and the baby—”

“And giving TJ oxygen,” Kiki chimes in.

“And giving TJ oxygen, so I grabbed everyone while Andie went in the ambulance with TJ and we all came here.”