Page 67 of Last Call

“My point is, you found a solution on your own. A brilliant one, too. I may have smothered you with kisses and handknit sweaters, but I didn’t raise you to throw in the towel when life throws an obstacle in your path. I raised you to stand up for what you deserve. If you want a baby, then you will find a way, Thomas. You always do. You will find your Lavonne.”

“Love always wins.”

“That’s right.” She pats my hand and sits back. “What does Dolly Parton always say? ‘The magic is inside you, there ain’t no crystal ball’.”

“I love me some Dolly.” I sniffle.

Nana smiles. “Now enough of this moping. Dolly wouldn’t sit around eating chips and salsa, wallowing. We have lives to live! How about we go to the community center and see if we can scrounge up some bicycles and head over to the Crab Shack Bar and Grill? We might make it in time for the last hand of strip poker.”

“Nana!” I say, aghast.

She waggles her eyebrows and throws the dregs of our drinks down the drain. “Don’t sound so shocked, Thomas. I am a sexual being.”

I groan and cover my face with my hands. “I’ll go, Nana, but I am not partaking in strip poker.”

“Oh, before I forget, I need you to remember how to get back here because George asked me to go for a swim later, okay? Normally I’d cancel, but I think you’ll be okay on your own for a few hours.”

“How many boyfriends do you have?”

Giggling, she grabs her purse. “An old woman never reveals her secrets, Thomas.”

I close the front door behind us. “Wait, don’t you need a swimsuit?”

Nana Rose lifts her arms in the air, her face to the sky. “Who says I need a suit to swim?” She continues down the sidewalk, and for the first time in days, I can’t help but smile.

Chapter 23


“Andie, you don’tlook so good. Are you coming down with something?” Sarah sets her chamomile tea on my desk and the smell steaming out of her cup makes the nausea roll through my belly. Before I can reply, I scoot my chair back and run to the bathroom, where I upend the contents of my breakfast into the toilet.

I wash my hands and rinse my mouth, feeling a touch better. When I come back out, Kiki is standing with Sarah at my desk, whispering.

Sarah glances up. “Feeling better?”

“Oh, I’m fine. I forgot to brush my teeth.”

“What’s going on, Andie?” Kiki asks, sitting on the edge of my desk.

“What do you mean?”

“Uh, well, we just heard you throw up in the bathroom, and it’s not the first time I’ve seen you rush in there.”

I sink into my chair and blow out the breath I was holding.Tell them, Andie, pull it off like a Band-Aid. They make not like it, but soon you won’t be able to hide the baby bump.

“Okay, yes, there is something I need to tell you guys.”

“Yes!” Kiki cheers and holds her hand out to Sarah, who sighs and slaps a twenty in her palm. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you? Gah, I’m so excited!” She comes around the desk and hugs me. I don’t know why I was so worried about telling them. They both look genuinely happy for me.

“Wait.” I laugh. “Maybe I was going to tell you we’re moving and the vomiting was nerves.”

“Bullshit.” Kiki grins. “How far along are you?”

“Twelve weeks.”

“I’m so excited for you and Cam,” she gushes.

“Me too.” Sarah wraps me in a hug.