Page 4 of Last Call

“Did he really say that?” Kiki huffs while taking her seat.

“Why are they filming you again?” Andie asks.

“Great question, Shorts. Because I pitched them a story and they said yes.”

“What isNashville Next? I’ve never heard of it.” Sarah’s eyes widen as she looks over at Brody, Cal, Tina, and Sam. “Sorry, no offense.”

“Oh my gawd, Sunshine, do you live under a rock?Nashville Nextis the show that follows celebrities around Nashville, documenting their lives. It’s like Oprah’s exclusive interviews.”

“Except there’s no Oprah and you’re not a celebrity,” Kiki chimes in.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, close my eyes, and count to three.

“What’s wrong with him?” Andie asks.

“Oh no, he got this look when he belted out the whole soundtrack toCatsthe other day,” Sarah replies. “It sounded like a bunch of cats in heat.”

“TJ, please don’t sing ‘Memories’ again. It will cause another migraine,” Kiki bitches.

“I’m not going to sing,” I snap. “Although Oreo did enjoy my repertoire. Ugh, stop getting me offtrack.Nashville Nextdid a piece last month with that girl…wearing the cowboy hat. Melody-what’s-her-name? No, maybe it was Rebecca. She recently came out of the closet. You know who I’m talking about.” I snap my fingers, my brain fizzling.

Sarah looks at me helplessly. “I have no clue who or what you’re talking about. So wait, they only interview gay celebrities around Nashville?”

“No, I was just trying to give you a glimpse of whatmydocumentary would be like. Really, it doesn’t matter. It’s going to be fabuloso.”

“Wait, I’m confused. Why you?” Kiki’s brows knit together while Andie suppresses a giggle.

“Kinky, don’t be jelly.” I sit on the edge of Andie’s desk and rub my hands together. “So, I pitched a storyline and they jumped at the idea, and now we’re all going to be on the show!”

“What if we don’t want to be on camera?” Ugh, my bestie can be such a mood-killer sometimes.

“Kiki, don’t be a Tic Tac. This will be uh-maze publicity for our business.”

Andie side-eyes Sarah. “What’s a Tic Tac supposed to mean?”

“Nothing, ignore him. It’s a piece of candy,” Kiki says.

“A Tic Tac, Andie, means someone can be colorful and sweet on the outside, but one crunch and they’re over in a hot second.” I glare at Kiki.

Andie scrunches her forehead. “I’m sorry, I still don’t understand.”

“He’s trying to call me basic,” Kiki says.

“But with colorful flair.” I nod supportively. “Anyway, all three of you have to be on the show, or else my life will be completely ruined and Connor will leave me and I’ll end up in a gutter drinking decaf coffee, wearing last year’s Ferragamo and eating Subway for the rest of my life.” I shudder at the image I evoked. “I could never be that guy who lost a ton of weight and got caught with porn on his computer…” I whisper.

“Ooh-kay…this just took a weird turn.” Andie adorably wrinkles her nose. “So, what do you need us to do?”

“Just act like your fab selves.” I motion my finger at Kiki. “We’ll bring in some help for you.”

“Ha-ha. Very funny. What’s the story idea you pitched?”

“Two gay men in the heart of Nashville with very busy, successful careers navigating the challenges of having a baby!”

All three of their mouths drop open. I squeal and do jazz hands, snapping them out of their shock. “We’re having a baby!”

“You and Connor are adopting?” Andie perks up, a beautiful smile lighting up her face.

“I can’t believe Connor didn’t say anything last night when he was over.” Sarah furrows her brows.