Page 20 of Last Call

“I’m afraid to ask.”

“He’ll be fine. I called Jax downstairs to help. He took one look at Becky and informed me he was too old for a stupid babysitter. So, I made him take Wyatt down to the stables to see the new horse. Becky asked who I was again when I walked back into the playroom to say goodbye to Alexis.”

“I’m worried about Becky. I mean, I guess it’s good she’s paying enough attention to people walking in and out of the room, right?”

Lex side-eyes me and it kills any positive vibes I was feeling for her.

“Let’s try and make this quick.”

“They’ll be all right for an hour, Sunshine.”

He slides his hand into mine while we ride in silence for a few moments on our way to Wyatt’s therapist’s office.

“I’m nervous about what Dr. Parker’s going to say.” I look over at Lex’s profile and he clenches his jaw.

“Whatever it is, we’ll make the best of it.”

“It breaks my heart how much anxiety he has. He’s so little.”

“I know, Love. Me too.” He squeezes my hand.

We pull into the underground parking garage and take the elevator up to child psychologist, Dr. Sandra Parker’s, office. The receptionist shows us into a tastefully decorated room and seats us in front of the desk. Lex and I sit in silence for a few minutes, holding hands. There’s a knock, and Dr. Parker strides in.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan.”

“It’s no problem.” I smile.

She pulls out a manila folder and opens it to her notes. “You requested this appointment because you want an update on how Wyatt is doing?”

I nod. “Yes, it’s been a month and we haven’t seen much improvement.”

“Well, I don’t like to put a time stamp on my patients. Everyone goes at their own pace, but I can assure you he is doing well.” She clasps her hands together, her bland smile giving me no sense of relief whatsoever.

Lex shifts in his seat. “We understand everyone is different, Doc, but the preschool is reporting his anxiety seems to be getting worse and his meltdowns are becoming more frequent.”

“I see.” Dr. Parker adjusts her glasses on the bridge of her nose. She shuffles the papers in the manila file. “Well, Wyatt is doing quite well here. He solves puzzles quickly and when I ask him to color his feelings, they are usually bright and cheerful.”

“Color his feelings, what kind of qua—”

I squeeze Lex’s hand hard, effectively shutting him up. “Can we see some of his drawings?”

“I’m afraid I would need Wyatt’s permission to do that.”

Lex snorts beside me and shakes his head.

“But we’re his parents,” I insist, leaning forward in my seat.

“I understand, Mrs. Ryan, but if you remember, you signed a contract after my initial evaluation of him. We decided it would be in Wyatt’s best interest to keep things confidential.”

“But I’ve changed my mind.” I look to Lex and he nods in agreement.

“Wyatt and I have a code of trust. I cannot break that code without his permission. I feel confident Wyatt will share when he’s ready.”

I arch my neck to see a colorful scribble underneath a paper while Lex distracts her with another question.

“What kind of puzzles is he doing? Can I ask that, or do I need my almost five-year-old’s permission for that as well?”

Dr. Parker smiles tightly. “Wyatt enjoys doing cat puzzles.”