Page 16 of Last Call

“I don’t get it?” Kiki scrunches her eyebrows. “What the hell does that have to do with what we’re talking about? And for the record, I have never heard you say that.”

“I don’t even remember what we’re talking about,” Sarah murmurs.

I snort and rub a hand down my face. “I think what he was tryin’ to convey is when things don’t go yer way, go in a different direction. And I second Kiki. I have never heard ye say that in the five years we’ve been married. How the feck do ye three Muppets run a business together?”

“Shut up, bitches! I can’t hear my TV show,” Alexis yells, standing in the hallway with juice dribbling down her chin.

“Oh my god.” Kiki covers her face with her hand, quieting her chuckle.

“Alexis.” Sarah’s cheeks blush a deep crimson. “Where did you learn that word?”

“Uncle TJ said when someone is boddering you, say, shut up bitches.”

“Sare Bear, I swear, I did not—” TJ holds up his hands in defense.

“You are in so much trouble,” Kiki snorts as she doubles over laughing.

“TJ, did you seriously teach her that?” Sarah screeches. She grabs a towel off the counter.

“No. I mean, she might have overheard me at the school. Cracker snacks. She’s got the memory of an elephant! It’s not my fault she’s…gifted.” He looks to me for help, but I’m trying to keep a straight face.

Sarah wipes the juice off her chin as she crouches in front of her. “Alexis, we do not repeat that no-no naughty word, okay?”

“But Mommy, why can’t I say bitches? Uncle TJ says it.”

Kiki’s shoulders shake as she rests her fingers against her closed eyes. “And that, Uncle TJ, is your first lesson in being thrown under the bus by a five-year-old.”

“Zip it over there, Miss Polly Perfect. She probably learned it from Chase. He was shouting it in the school parking lot today.”

“Wait, what?” she asks, quickly sobering.

“And on that note, we’re gonna get a leg up.” I grab TJ’s hand as we quickly try to shuffle out the door.

“Wait until you have one of your own!” Sarah shouts. “And they say bitches in front of the old lady at the grocery store!”

“Already happened today. See you never, skanks!” TJ hollers back as I steer him toward the door.

“Mommy, what’s a skanks?” Alexis asks. Sarah groans.

I pause outside the front door. “TJ?”

“Yes, honey?”

“We still have a lot to talk about, but let’s take this slow, okay?”

“Anything for you, my sexy Irishman.” He smacks my ass and skips down the steps. Trepidation fills my belly because if I know TJ, he’s already got a plan up his sleeve.

Chapter 4


TJ’s baby talkhas made the seed I planted in my head a couple months ago start to germinate. I always thought I’d be content with my family of four, but not a day goes by when I don’t think about having a third baby. It’s turned into a weird private fixation of mine and despite trying, I can’t seem to shake it. We need a little girl to balance all the testosterone in this house.

I know I’m a lucky bitch and won the lottery with Tatum. He’s not only gorgeous and talented, he’s also an amazing dad and husband. I should be satisfied with the three guys in my life, but there’s always that little niggling voice in the back of my head wondering,what if?

Biting my bottom lip, I stand in the bedroom doorway like a total creeper watching my sexy husband. His tanned skin glows against the white sheets as he lounges bare-chested in black joggers, reading on his phone. He’s recently had to get glasses to read the small print and it adds another layer to his attractiveness. Even after six years together, two wild boys, and two very busy schedules that sometimes pull us in opposite directions, the fire still burns strong between us.

I crawl onto our bed, smiling at the memory of when I had to strip off his leather pants one night after a concert. I test the give of the soft cotton material he’s wearing and grin. These will be a cinch to take off.