Page 85 of Last Call

TJ groans, pulling himself off the couch. “I was awake. Watched the whole thing this time.”

I shake my head. “I think I logged you in at ten thirty for snorin’. Go to bed. I’ll lock up here.”

As he shuffles down the hall, yawning loudly, my cell phone rings. I look at the number but don’t recognize the caller. I pocket my phone and turn off the kitchen lights. My phone buzzes again with a voicemail. I pull it back out and hit the voicemail button when the same number calls again. This time, I pick up.


“Connor? It’s Gloria. I’m sorry to bother you. I tried calling TJ, but it went straight to voicemail.”

“Oh, no problem. How can I help ye, Gloria?” I glance at my watch. It’s 12:30 a.m.

“It’s last call.” I can hear the smile in her voice.

A few seconds tick by as the words seep in.Last call. “What’s goin’ on?” I ask gruffly.

“We have a situation. One of my foster kids was pregnant. A teenager. She’s about to age out of the system when she turns eighteen next month and doesn’t have a place to go. She doesn’t want the babies and the father is not in the picture. She doesn’t want her babies to end up in the system like she did. I told her I knew of the perfect couple who could handle the job. I told her about you and she agreed to do a private adoption.” Gloria waits as I try to process what she’s saying. “Let me tell you, this never happens, Connor. Once-in-a-blue-moon kind of moment.”

“I…” My throat is parched, emotion clogging my throat. I grab a bottle of water and take a sip. “I’m floored, Gloria.”

“The babies have to stay in the hospital for one more day. Can you get your lawyer to draw up the papers?”

“I think so.” I glance at my watch like a dumbass, wondering if the lawyer is up.

“This is it, Connor. Last call. I need to know or else I’ll have to put them through the system. Do you and TJ want to adopt the babies?”

“Yes,” I breathe out, without even thinking. “Yes, we want them. TJ!” I shout down the hall.

“Okay, come to Nashville General first thing tomorrow morning with your lawyer. We’ll be waiting for you.”

“Gloria, can she change her mind?”

“Absolutely she can, but Connor, she’s scared. She doesn’t have a family. No one to turn to but me. She needs you both. She won’t change her mind. See you in the morning.”

“Gloria, wait.”

“Yes, Connor?”

“What do ye mean babies?”

“Oh.” She chuckles. “I forgot that tidbit. She had twins…girls. See you tomorrow.” Gloria disconnects.

“Twins?” The phone drops to my side. “TJ!”

“Cheese and rice, stop yelling. I’m right here, boo,” he says right behind me, making me jump.

“That was…” I swallow dryly.


“You need to cancel the trip to Greece next week.”

“What? Why? I’m supposed to monitor Andie’s every movement while she’s there. As her doula—”

“She’ll have to find someone else,” I say distractedly while I slam open drawers trying to find paper and a pen. I have no idea where to begin with what we’ll need for infants. We’re totally unprepared for this.

“What are you looking for and why are you mumbling?”

“Help me find a pen!”