Page 8 of Last Call

Sarah gives me a thumbs-up.

“Might want to get a haircut.” Kiki squints at my hair. “You’re looking a little Ronald-like.”

“Kinky, you know that’s the worst thing you can say to me,” I hiss, looking over my shoulder at the camera. I quickly pat my hair down.

She grins evilly while I beckon them to gather in for a huddle. I stick my hand in the center and waggle it until they do the same. Kiki groans in protest, like she always does.

“Bitches, let the baby planning begin. Baby Ryan Campaign commences now! Give me a razzle dazzle, snizzle my shizzle, TJ’s the most awesomeness out of everyone and we couldn’t live—”

“Please end this,” Kiki rudely interrupts.

“Fine, mood-killer. On three. One, two, three!”

“Baby Ryan!” the three shout.

“Okay, enough of that. Who’s going to go get me a mocha whip with two shots of vanilla, a drizzle of caramel, and sprinkles on top?” I ask the room.

A magazine goes whizzing past my head before my three besties disappear in the back.

“Don’t forget, Tina, Cal, Sam, and Brody have the authority to follow you around. And don’t break the fourth wall. You won’t even know they are here! Are you bitches listening to me?”

I look around at the empty loft and sigh. “Okay guys, that’s a wrap for now.”

I sit down on the couch and run my finger along the purple, sparkly binder. “Well, little Gino, I guess this is really happening.”

Now I have to go convince Connor that we need to adopt a baby.

Chapter 3


I scoot pastthe throng of women clad in tight athletic gear, trying like hell not to knock into any of them. These hallways weren’t built for six-foot-three guys with broad shoulders. Scanning the names along the built-in cubbies, I ignore the pointed stares and whispers happening behind me. I find Alexis’s name and grab her Hello Kitty sequined backpack and then look for Wyatt’s Superman backpack. Rearing my head back, I practically run over the woman who has suddenly materialized right in front of me.

“Hi, I’m Jennifer. You have the twins? My Austin adores Wyatt. He’s all he can talk about,” she gushes before taking a gulp of her pumpkin spice latte.

“Oh, I’m actually their—”

“Grace Stevens.” A hand juts out, blocking me from moving forward. I look down at the dark-haired woman who has sidled up next to Jennifer. Her smile is frozen on her face as she zeros in on my hands. I smile politely and nod, unable to shake her hand because of the backpacks.

“Oh my god, your accent is to-die-for! Is it British?” Jennifer croons.

“Uh, Irish, actually.”

“So dreamy.” She smiles, cradling her drink next to her chin. Her undivided attention has me searching for the first available exit where I can get a leg up, the hallway suddenly feeling hot and claustrophobic. “You look sooo familiar.”

Grace bumps her elbow, causing coffee to slosh onto Jennifer’s white tank top. “What she’s trying to say is that we’ve never seen you here before. Normally, the nanny picks up the twins. My daughter isbestfriends with Alexis.”

“I’m glad the kids have friends,” I say. Two more women push their way next to Grace. I’m deeply regretting saying yes to this trip to pick up my niece and nephew as more women gather around, forming a small mob. I’m pretty sure one ran her hand along my ass in passing. No wonder Sarah and Lex send their nanny to get them. They’re like piranhas circling an innocent animal in murky water.

Heat crawls up my neck while the women look at me curiously. Grace grabs the Superman backpack. “Here, let me help you.”

“No, I’m fine, thanks.” I try to hold onto Wyatt’s strap, but she yanks it out of my grasp with surprising strength.

“Did you hear that accent?” someone murmurs.


“I insist.” Grace grins, all her teeth showing like a great white shark and I’m a little nervous she might bite me.