Page 31 of Forever Free

“Really?” Ruby said softly, and there was such a vulnerable sound to her voice that Michael immediately turned towards her, hugging her. “She really said that?”

“Yes – and that you should come over for hot cocoa on the porch – both of you,” Valkyrie grumbled, turning and opening the door of his truck, before looking back at them standing there. “So, I suggest you do it before she gets your father involved – because we both know who’s scarier out of the two of them.”

“My mother,” Ruby and Valkyrie said in unison, grinning at each other before he put on this angry expression again, pointing at Michael.

“Take her home – now!”

Michael didn’t look away from the man, but instead whispered against Ruby’s head where it was buried against his shoulder.

“Ruby, are you ready to head home?”

“Are you kidding me, whelp?” Valkyrie laughed, slamming his truck door and walking back towards them. “You’re really going to test me on this?”

“Let’s go see my parents,” she murmured, nuzzling him… and he felt this fierce sense of protectiveness within him, staring down the other man as he simply walked Ruby to the driver’s side door, literally ignoring him. Michael got in the passenger side, not even bothering to look at the man.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Are you?”

“I have no regrets,” Michael said openly, reaching over to take her hand. “Everyone is going to have to be okay with this, whether they like it or not, because I will forever admire and love my precious unicorn.”

“And we’re okay?”

“Are you okay waiting for me?” Michael said softly, bringing her knuckles to his lips. “Because I meant it. I want you for my own someday – I just don’t know when that someday is, and wish I had more answers.”

He saw her tearful smile as she nodded.

“Then let’s go to your parents’ house – and I should talk to your father,” Michael smiled nervously. “I want to make sure I have his permission when the time comes.”

“Probably a good idea,” she teased tearfully as she met his eyes.



The next fewdays were a weird mish-mash of events. Her parents were surprisingly okay with Michael coming over – and even when he snuck a kiss, her father didn’t freak out. He simply did that eyebrow thing… and she did it back, causing him to smile.

They had hot cocoa every evening, the four of them… and sometimes six people were there.

Michael’s parents would join them, or they would play poker all together around the table. It was like the two families were trying to figure out how to get along or grow a little closer - because it wasn’t just one couple, but two.

Ben and Rose were getting moved into their place – and quite absorbed in each other, which was completely understandable, but it definitely put a spotlight on her relationship with Michael, since they were both here currently.

… And they did the strangest things together, things you wouldn’t normally think of for a new couple that was exceedingly short on time.

They enjoyed a wedding cake sampler at Dixie’s café – and neither Dixie, nor Amelia who was working there now to help out, said much, but smiled happily at the two of them.

… Which meant that the text messages were flying between everyone.

“Okay,” Michael said with complete satisfaction and rubbing his stomach. “I never thought I would be a fan of Boston Cream or apple pie filling on a cake, but dang these are delicious.”

“Right?” Ruby said with her mouth full. “I love the Boston Cream cake with all the gooey chocolate…”

“… And the custard?” he sighed happily.

“Oh, the custard is divine,” she acknowledged, shoveling in another bite and laughing as Michael looked at her in disbelief.

“You took the last bite of the Boston Cream?”