Page 8 of Forever Free

Was Michael really going to write her?

A part of her preened that he’d called her a unicorn – because he recognized and acknowledged that she’d done something different again. He didn’t really mock her; it was more of an endearment… and she liked it. The way he said ‘unicorn’ was gentle, almost teasing, and made her feel something flutter on the inside of her tummy.

As she looked at the new couple once more, that flutter of happiness began to take shape deep within… and she smiled.

* * *

Sure enough,when Ruby got home late that evening… she rushed up to her bedroom and opened her laptop to see an email waiting from Michael. She sat there for a few moments, unsure of what this could all mean. Maybe this was just the newest way of teasing or harassing her?

What if he actually liked her… like Ben fawned over Rose?

She was honestly surprised that neither of her parents had commented on her talking to Michael on Facetime. She was pretty sure that they would have said something, made a remark, or asked her flat-out what was going on… which she wouldn’t have been able to answer, but they didn’t.

Kicking off her shoes, she clicked on the email and caught her breath… waiting.

Hey pretty unicorn,

Love the hair… that’s so ‘you’.

It was really good to see you tonight and I didn’t expect that. How is college? I heard you were doing great at Texas A & M and graduating after this next semester. Isn’t it weird how life is changing? I never thought I’d be here in New York. I always imagined I would be there, harassing you, or hanging out with my friends… yet here I am.

Tell me about home… please?

I miss everyone – and I meant what I said a moment ago. It was so good to see you tonight, and I think I missed your smile.

Boy, that felt weird to type my thoughts ‘aloud’… so can you please not make me feel stupid for saying that? I’m trying to be a better person, a better friend, to you – and I have a lot to make up for over the years.

Full confession time?

Your hair never looked like evergreen poop. I promise. I knew it was mistletoe or holly… and that was clever. That boy was a thirteen-year-old turd talking smack in front of his buddies.

Keep the hair color… please. I know you change it a lot, but this just seems so unique, magical, and rare – just like your name.

Write when you can,


“What did he say?”

Her mother’s voice interrupted Ruby’s thoughts, causing her to jump sky-high and yelp in alarm. She hadn’t heard her bedroom door open, nor did she realize anyone was standing there.

Her mother was leaning on the door frame, smiling softly, and her father was right behind her with a hand on her mother’s shoulder – also smiling.

They were both looking at her weird.

“Sheesh… doesn’t anyone knock around here?” Ruby snapped, slamming her laptop shut and hesitating, before opening it quickly to make sure she hadn’t deleted the email.

“We did knock,” her father chuckled, “And cleared our throats…”

“Coughed,” her mother added.

“Knocked again…” he quipped.

“Waited ever so patiently…”

“While you cooed at your computer…”

“Okay,” Ruby interrupted. “I get it! I was distracted and reading something, but seriously… knock a little louder next time, okay?”