Page 7 of Forever Free

“I think your father is tired of fighting you, pumpkin,” her mother said easily, laughing as she joined them. “Besides, you are a grown woman and we both know it. It’s your hair, your consequences, and your life… just be happy and we’ll be satisfied.”

“Annnnd where was this knowledgeable woman when I was twelve or fourteen and wanting to dye my hair green?” Ruby teased, hugging her mom.

“Struggling!” her mom retorted. “Nobody prepares you for when your children grow up and start becoming independent. You are just hit between the eyes, and it happens.”

Several people around them got quiet, and Ruby fought a smile as her brother paled slightly. Her father walked up along with Rose’s parents. They were all in on this moment… and Rose’s father answered the phone.

“Hang on, Michael,” Mr. Griffin said, holding up the phone. “There.”

Rose’s expression softened as she stared at the screen proudly, smiling at her brother. Ruby melted at seeing Michael’s face, and her hands curled to keep from snatching the phone, taking a snapshot of his face, just so she had something to ogle during those lonely moments.

“Hey. Sorry I couldn’t fly in for this. I told Dad I at least wanted to say ‘hello’and ‘Merry Christmas’… and Rose, you’ve got someone behind you, don’t back up!” Michael cautioned quickly, looking alarmed in that moment… and Ruby couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her as she realized that Rose’s brother was in on this charade, too.

In that moment, Rose turned to look behind her at Ruby’s brother Ben was kneeling down on one knee, holding up a small cupcake with an engagement ring on top.

“… And I might as well toss in ‘Congratulations’with a huge, heartfelt, ‘Welcome to the family’before I lose connection or have to get off of here,” Michael said from behind Rose on FaceTime – and suddenly met Ruby’s eyes.

“Rose, I…” Ben began hoarsely.

Ruby could barely focus on what her brother was saying in that moment as she gazed at Michael, who looked almost as flummoxed as she felt seeing her there.

“I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember and want to be the one to make you smile for the rest of our days. You are my best friend, my soul, and my beloved cake-mate. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Michael’s eyes softened as he looked at her, and a smile touched his lips in the moments that passed.

A part of Ruby melted – and something in her…sizzled?!He looked so good, so handsome, and had changed so much, but that boy that picked on her was still there too.

She liked that boy – even if he annoyed her.

Suddenly, her brother was kissing Rose before all of their friends and family, as they were surrounded by congratulations. Michael started making gagging sounds and pointed on the screen, drawing her attention back to what was going on around her – and Ben’s proposal. She was supposed to be here, supporting him, … and her brother was immediately making her nauseated, because Ben and Rose were all over each other, kissing the other person deeply in front of everyone.

She made a gagging sound, too… echoing Michael’s.

“Hey Unicorn,” Michael said suddenly a moment later, drawing her attention as she looked at him. There was something in his eyes, something in his expression, that was different and spoke to her. “Nice hairdo… call or write me sometime – eh? I mean, if these two freaks can pull it off, then you never know.”

“I’ll think about it, grunt,” Ruby said evasively, hoping to hide the thrill of excitement bubbling within her. He wanted her to write him? He even referred to if Ben and Rose could make ‘a go of a relationship,’ that maybe they had a chance, too.

Did he actually think of her like that?

There was quite a commotion around them, congratulations and laughter, startling several of them… as Ruby felt Michael’s parents looking at her in surprise – along with her brother and his new fiancée.

Michael hesitated and looked over his shoulder again.

“Dad, can you make sure Ruby gets my email… or Ruby, can I get your email? I’ve got a pen and I need to get back to my duties in the next minute or two.”

Michael’s mother waved her closer and Ruby rattled off her email, hating that her voice was trembling nervously. Michael was writing it down as fast as possible, darting a look over his shoulder again. He hurriedly read back her email and hesitated.

“I’ve gotta go,” Michael said quickly. “I’ll write you tonight.”

“Okay,” Ruby began, feeling very aware of the looks she was getting.

“I think Ben will treat my daughter right and make her happy,” Mr. Griffin said a moment later, looking at Rose – before glancing at Ruby curiously – and looking back to the happy new couple. “That’s all I care about.”

“I know my son loves her and will put her above all others,” her father began – just before he volunteered sarcastically, and smirked. “Now Ruby on the other hand…”

“Daddy!” Ruby blurted out, feeling still so full of adrenaline… and a little embarrassed. Her hands were shaking, her knees were knocking, and she felt like the spotlight was on her.

What did any of this mean?