Page 34 of Forever Free

West Point, New York

Ruby was seatedin the stadium at West Point, marveling at the view before her as men and women in uniform filed onto the field in a perfectly organized line. She was clenching Lily’s hand – and her mother’s – seated directly between the two families as they stared at the people, searching for Michael’s face across the seat of grey uniforms. The field of the stadium was a marvel to behold, with all the white seats so perfectly lined up and the band playing, filling the air with patriotic music.

Michael’s father was beaming with pride – and even her own father looked proud to watch the display, despite serving in a different branch. This was incredible to behold, and she was positive that it brought back memories of his days at the Air Force Academy so long ago.

“Oh!” Ruby said quickly, releasing their hands and pointing. “There he is! Moving to line up on the second row of seats…”

Sure enough, she saw his beloved profile, and would recognize that walk from anywhere. She’d watched it enough over the years and there was no hiding that proud gait that used to irk her so badly.

Fascinated, she watched silently as the entire procession seemed to go on and on forever, listening to officers speak, acknowledgements, and then the brigadier general was brought forward to speak.

“I recommend each of these men and women for their Bachelor of Science degrees. Will the members of the class please come forward as they are called…”

The cadets lined up and began their march towards the stage in such an organized manner… listening to the names being called out.

“… Michael Logan Griffin - Top cadet, cadet first captain, and brigade commander.”

They all surged to their feet as if their seats had springboards beneath them, hearing the incredible recognition and knowing that Michael had worked his tail off to achieve those ranks.

Michael’s father was telling everyone around them ‘That’s my son!’ proudly – while being shushed ardently by people further down in the bleachers. She watched as he saluted, shook the general’s hand, and then moved on down the line.

Before Ruby knew it, the cadets were all lined up again and ‘dismissed’ for a last time, flinging their officer caps into the air. She was laughing and crying, hugging Michael’s parents and hers, as the field was flooded with people making their way towards the cadets… and the cadets were surging into the stadium stairs, searching for their family members.

Michael had told them to stay put and he would find them – but her eyes searched and searched, looking for him… she was stunned to see four men walk up to them.

“Merrick and Griffin party?”

“Yes?” his father said, looking at them in alarm.

“You are needed in building six-eighty-nine, sir. If you will follow us,” one man said bluntly, staring straight ahead.

“Is something wrong?”

“What’s going on?”

“My son said to wait here.”

Without answering any of their questions, the four men began to walk off – and Ruby pushed past them, her whole being flooded with alarm that something had happened, and she wanted to know what was wrong.

If they knew their surnames and knew where to find them, that meant Michael had said something… and without any hesitation, both sets of parents followed her quickly.

She followed them, practically jogging behind the men as they walked quickly down the sidewalk towards a group of buildings… and her eyes were scanning for any signs of an ambulance, police car, some sort of indication that there was an emergency.

“Straight through here, miss…” one man said, and held open the doorway.

Ruby walked in – and froze.

There were ten men in uniform lined up, five on either side of an aisle… inside of a chapel – and Michael was standing at the front.

“What if our someday was now… my beautiful unicorn?” he said softly, smiling at her, his eyes glistening with pride.

“Michael…” she whispered, stunned, and feeling her entire being tremble as her father took her arm. She looked at him in shock, staring at her father’s brilliant black eyes that shone with unshed tears.

“C’mon,” he said softly. “I’m giving my daughter away in marriage today, to a bright young man that’s earned his stripes – in more than one way.”

Ruby let out a small sob, smiling tearfully, as she nodded. She walked forward under the sabers, on her father’s arm in the old chapel, and could not look away from Michael’s brilliant smile.

“Hey peep,” she whispered.