Page 33 of Forever Free

“I love that,” Michael whispered softly, not looking away from her. “You seem to just understand me in a way no one else can… and I truly love everything about you, my precious unicorn.”

“And I you, my sweet little peep.”

Michael laughed softly, grimacing. “Can we think of something tough, like ‘Butch’or ‘Cobra’… I mean, peep? Tell me I’m at least a tough looking peep.”

“No baby,” she crooned, giggling. “You are a sweet, soft, yellow, sugary peep – and my favorite.”

“Well, there isthat…” he purred back, kissing her playfully.

* * *

That evening,Ruby stood there in the middle of the living room at her parents’ house, holding Michael tightly. Her parents had given them plenty of privacy, and knew they understood what she was feeling right now. Michael had borrowed his father’s truck to drive over, not wanting her to be on the roads distraught… and she knew why now.

Her heart was breaking, and she could barely focus as she clung to him, savoring every stupid and insipid thing from the romance novels she read. It was odd to think that you really did notice the way someone caught their breath, how their chest moved when they inhaled or exhaled, or even the slight shudder as they held back tears. She treasured the feeling of his breath against her hair, the way his lips felt as they brushed against her forehead… and marveled at the miracle that their bond was.

When he held her hand, she felt whole… and when he kissed her? She felt peace in her soul in a way she never imagined.

“I’m going to miss you so much,” he whispered for the twelfth or fourteenth time, holding her close. She felt him raise her left hand to his lips as he kissed her fourth finger once more, whispering ‘someday’and making her heart clench painfully.

“I hate goodbyes,” she breathed tearfully.

“Never a goodbye,” he countered. “It’s simply a ‘I’ll see you soon’or ‘I’ll be back when I can’ promise between two people who love each other very much.”

“We make ‘different’ look good, right?” she sniffed tearfully, wiping her eyes. “We thrive on taking control of what’s completely out of our hands, and finding a way somehow.”

“Exactly,” he smiled softly at her, before cupping her face in his hands. “I love you, Ruby Merrick… and I promise you, we’ll figure this out.”

“I believe you.”

“Trust me when I say that I am leaving my heart here in the hands of a pretty little woman with the most incredible smile…” he whispered. “Please don’t cry anymore, unicorn.”

“I’m not,” she promised – and they both laughed as her words were followed immediately by a shaky sob, making her a liar within seconds.

“I love you,” he smiled tenderly, kissing her once more. “I will text or email you as soon as I get back to West Point, and we’ll make travel plans as soon as I receive word about graduation dates.”

“I’ll be there,” she promised.

“I’ll try to get assigned somewhere close.”

“How about ‘somewhere safe’first… close would be good, but ‘safe’is a huge requirement from your someday-fiancée.”

“Yes ma’am,” he smiled, kissing her empty ring finger once more.

… And moments later, Michael was gone.

Ruby stood there at the window, watching him drive away, feeling so hollow at that moment and that her life was on pause in the strangest way possible. He was leaving, heading back to West Point, and she wasn’t sure when she would see him again except that he’d invited her to his graduation.

She never bothered to invite him to hers because she just wanted the degree… walking across the stage was never a goal for her, just the piece of paper that would give her the freedom to start her life wherever she chose.

… And she chose Michael.

“Please God,” she whispered aloud, her hand curled over her heart. “Keep him in your thoughts… and place him somewhere safe. I don’t care where it is, just make sure he is safe for me. I just want a chance at happiness someday… with Michael.”



Seven months later…