Page 21 of Forever Free

“What if it’s even better?”

“I don’t know that I could handle it.”

“Baby, that’s when I kick things into high-gear to impress the girl I adore…”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah,” he countered playfully. “Shameful, flamboyant, and out to have you notice me so you’ll never forget the guy that can’t stop thinking about you.”


“Do you think of me?”

“Always,” she admitted softly. “I got the roses just a few moments ago.”

“Happy anniversary of the best moment of my life,” he said tenderly – and if she could have melted into a puddle of mush right there, she would have. “Just hearing your voice, getting that email with your phone number, seeing that smile and look in your eyes in that photograph my mother had sent me… one year ago today I knew things would be different, and I couldn’t wait to see how things progressed.”

“Any regrets?”

“Only that I’m here and you are there.”

“That is a big issue, isn’t it?”

“Let’s just take things a step at a time… and maybe there will be leaps that we learn to hurdle together,” he said softly. “I can’t wait to see you.”

“I can’t wait to see you either.”

“Then the first dance is mine?”

“All of them are yours – and we both know it.”

“Please don’t worry, my beautiful Ruby. The man you are getting to know is here, hidden inside of this dork that tries much too hard to impress you.”

“Just let him out when he sees me… because I like him.”

“You don’t want some tough, macho soldier that sweeps you off your feet?”

“No, I want my soft marshmallowy peep that snuck past my defenses.”

They both got quiet, and she heard his breath shudder slightly.

“I really can’t wait to see you.”

“Same here.”

“Maybe I can coerce you to come see me graduate and show you around the area?”

“I think perhaps I would really like that – but let’s stick with seeing how that first date goes.”

“You got it, unicorn.”

“Take it easy, peep.”


“I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Happy anniversary, my sweet guy…”