Page 20 of Forever Free

She couldn’t even speak as emotions choked her – and she handed the card to her mother to read. Her mother smiled, handed it back, and pulled her into a hug… causing those nervous tears to fall.

“Shhh…” her mother crooned softly, smoothing her hair. “I think it’s wonderful that he recognizes what a special young lady you are.”

“Mom, he’s the best,” Ruby admitted softly, sharing her fears. “What if he’s not like this in person though? I mean, this last year talking on the phone or emailing each other has been so nice, so wonderful, but what if we don’t get along or start snapping at each other like we always did at the Christmas parties?”

“You mean, ‘What if reality isn’t like my imagination has built him up to be?’”


“So, you are afraid to be let down or disappointed?”


“Will you be upset if he isn’t there anymore in your life?”

“Oh my gosh, yes!”

“Then perhaps you bend a little when you finally see him again – and recognize that both of you are human and going to make mistakes. There is nothing wrong with being independent or strong - but sometimes when you take two strong metals and blend them? The alloy is even stronger for having mixed with something just as amazing, yet different.”

“Your mother is a genius…” her father said quietly from the doorway, and Ruby looked at him. “I was wondering if I had competition for her hand or something.”

“Ryan…” her mother smiled softly. “We both know better.”

“I’d be lost without you and couldn’t help that shiver of fear when I smelled a freakin’ rose garden in the house. Is that for our baby girl?”

“Michael sent them.”

“Smooth move,” her dad chuckled, patting Ruby on the back. “I’m happy for you, baby girl… just be yourself and if he’s worth it all – then he will treasure you even more.”

“Sometimes the one you least expect will surprise you the most.”

“I love you, 13A…”

“Always, 13B…”

Her parents shared a look and Ruby backed away knowingly as her mother fell into her father’s arms. They had a magic between them that was amazing to behold, and she loved the story of how they’d met on an airplane.

… Just then her cell phone vibrated in her pocket.

Leaving the room and her mushy parents behind, she pulled it out and answered it.


“Hey,” Michael’s voice came through the speaker, and he sounded a little nervous. “Are we okay? I just got your email and I want you to know we can talk if something’s wrong…”

She swallowed back the lump of emotion and walked out onto the porch for a moment of privacy, shivering against the cold breeze.

“We’re good,” she admitted. “I just feel a little nervous because this is so much, so fast, and we’ve not really even spent more than a handful of minutes together.”

“I’m okay with that,” he began softly, his voice strong and warm. “This gives me a chance to get to know the real you before I fall for the hot woman I’ve already met. See, when a guy has zero-class and really likes a girl? He will do whatever he can to impress her and get her attention…”

Ruby laughed throatily, closing her eyes.

“Zero-class, huh?”

“Oh man, it’s shameful…” he chuckled, “Especially when it comes to you, my beautiful unicorn. I would do anything to get your attention and hear you laugh at me just like you did a second ago.”

“You’re the best,” she whispered tearfully. “You know that? I think that is what scares me, because I absolutely think you are incredible and I’m so afraid reality won’t be as amazing.”