Page 18 of Forever Free

I suppose I should ditch my long line of suitors, because I’m betting you want to finally have that dance, right?


P.S. Still struggling along in my classes, but it’s getting easier. I miss you and you know I was joking about the suitors, right?

* * *

My beloved unicorn,

Tell the long line of suitors to get lost – and that you are officially taken.

Technically we’ve been talking a year now, so ‘Happy Anniversary’. That makes you forever trapped in a serious relationship with me.

You are stuck.

We are definitely dancing.

Here’s your photo… and why didn’t you tell me you wanted something new to admire or fawn over? I’d be happy to provide photos of myself to you anytime you want.

In fact, I’m such a giving boyfriend that I would even suffer through the horrors of having a photo taken of us… as a COUPLE.

Can you just imagine?

I mean, what if I put my arm around your waist and held you close for a photograph of the two of us? Platonically, of course. I mean, it would be the maid of honor and the best man in a photo for our siblings’ wedding. The photographer would already be there, and I suppose our parents would want one.

A photo as a couple would almost be something as crazy as us kissing, or other weird mushy stuff when no one was looking…

Guess I should buy some Chapstick in case you can’t keep your hands off of me…

Always yours,


P.S. I’m taking you on a date, dancing, and definitely kissing my girl when I come home for the wedding.

I can’t wait to see you, Ruby.

* * *

My Sweet Peep,

Oh, thank goodness, because I literally just bought stock in Chapstick – and a tube of the stuff for myself. I mean, if you are plotting to lock lips? A girl needs all the protection from germs she can get… right?

I had already told the photographer that our parents would want a photo of us together – and added it to the set with Rose’s permission. Your sister was making all sorts of gleeful exclamations, and her face was contorting in this weird smile.

I think she was… happy?!

I guess this is ‘Happy Anniversary’ to us, isn’t it? Isn’t it weird how time is passing so fast?

I’m glad I decided to tackle doing my master’s degree online and taking a full load of courses every semester. I’ve got one semester left and will officially ‘graduate’ again. Weeee! I can join the workforce like a big girl now…




Goodness – this might be serious, eh?