Page 17 of Forever Free

“If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck…”

“It’s a duck!” all four parents said at once.

“Quack…” Ruby retorted flatly - smiling.



My beautiful unicorn,

I can’t believe it’s already been a few months that we’ve been talking. I mean, I know it’s just emails and phone calls – but I feel like we are almost becoming friends.

Next thing you know, you’ll be wanting to hold my hand or hugging me.

Whatever shall I do?


* * *

Sweet Peep,

You might as well fess up, because it’s all out there now… we all know you’ve had a ginormous crush on me for years and tugging on my ponytail or admiring my knobby knees was the only way you could handle it.

Sheesh. If anyone is wanting to hold hands or pretend this is ‘special’ or ‘romantic’… it’s gotta be you.

I guess I’ll deal with it,


P.S. – my classes are kicking my bum! Ugh, my brain hurts!

* * *

My lovely unicorn,

Is your hair still the same? I wouldn’t know because I haven’t gotten a photo texted to me in two weeks… sigh… I’m suffering from withdrawal over here. The walls are closing in and everything’s fading to black.


Your Sweet Peep

P.S. – anything I can help with on your classes? I have two brain cells I can rub together really hard and get smoke occasionally…?


* * *

MY sweet peep,

I swear, you are the biggest dork… that makes me smile. Here’s your silly photo – now where’s mine?

I should have a selfie of the guy whose been stalking and harassing me, shouldn’t I? I mean, what kind of guy claims to be a boyfriend, but then never sends a pic?

Ugh, you are making me sappy.

I suppose you know Rose’s bridesmaids’ dresses are royal blue, right? My brother was claiming you were going to be his best man in the wedding… so does that mean you are coming for a visit?