Page 15 of Forever Free

Uh, Mama?


Awww, Ruby melted on the inside. That twerp she once knew was grown and still called his mother ‘Mama’? How sweet was that? She immediately replied, not letting on in the slightest.

She loved them – and was mad that I took the photo without her approving it first.


Ha ha, that sounds like my Ruby.

She could wear a potato sack and would look beautiful though…

Her hands trembled as she read those sweet words, touched beyond measure as she realized he was being completely open to his ‘mother,’ and had no idea that she was reading them.

Instead, she pressed the button to call him.

“Mom, I can’t really…”

“It’s Ruby,” she murmured, interrupting him, and heard his intake of breath.

“Hi,” he said simply, before letting out a nervous laugh. “I guess you saw my text messages. Was that you the entire time? Where’s my mother?”

“Conniving inside with my own mother,” she volunteered – and heard his laugh again. “And no, it wasn’t me the entire time.”

They got quiet for a moment, both waiting and not sure what to say… only to hear him speak softly.

“I can’t talk long… but you look lovely with the stars in your hair.”

“You didn’t have to do this.”

“I wanted to. Do you like them?”

“They are perfect – and I wish that blue dress still fit,” she admitted wryly, and heard him chuckle knowingly.

“Maybe there will be another one someday and I’ll be smart enough to ask you to dance instead of picking on you…” his voice said hesitantly. “If that would be okay?”

“I would like that,” she confessed, lowering her voice in case their parents were listening. “Blue, huh?”

“You could wear anything, but you look glorious in dark blue.”

“A potato sack?”

“Yeah,” he said, nervously laughing. “I think you’ve got the edge on this conversation, unicorn. I keep putting my foot in my mouth.”

“I like knowing your thoughts – and our emails.”

“I do too,” he murmured and then groaned. “Nuts, I’ve gotta go. Can I call you sometime?”

“I’ll email you my phone number.”

He hesitated for a moment.

“Merry Christmas, unicorn.”

“Merry Christmas, you sweet little Peep…” she chuckled, and heard his groan again.

“I’ve gotta keep you away from my mother,” he muttered, embarrassed.